Stop Taking Hostages

A female Honolulu Hawaiian cop once said on a television news show regarding the apprehension of a Samoan rapist: “I’m here to tell you that if you rape somebody and then ask them out on a date, I’m going to be the one answering the door when you knock”.

Black Lives Terrorists can take a lesson from that cop. You can’t burn a town, destroy businesses, toss police vehicles, incite riots, impede people’s ability to get to their jobs, threaten to rape their wives and beat their dogs, then ask them to join your cause. What’s in it for them? You won’t do all of the above? So what’s that? Hostage-taking?

Hostage-taking is slavery. So, you’re looking for white slaves? Sounds and looks like it to me. Sounds and looks like terrorism.

Making war against the white race is racism. Violence exacted against the white race is war. Threats of violence against the white race is terrorism.

You have a lot of flaws working against you.

You need to clean up your image if you want to be taken seriously beyond your threats of violence. Everybody takes threats seriously. That’s the easy way to achieve your demands short-term, just scare the shit out of everybody. It never lasts, though. And those you scared the shit out of will never forget it.


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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