A different slant on the news, a different slant on life, a different slant on the world as we once knew it, as we currently know it, and as we will come to know it – that’s what Word Warrior Davies-Tight is all about.

The slant that everybody overlooked or thought too frivolous to speak out loud – because they were too quick to jump in, too lazy to figure something out, or just felt more comfortable going with the crowd, standing and chiming in with the majority – THAT’S what I focus on, which means I’m usually not going to be the first one out there with a view or an opinion.

I find no value in agreeing or disagreeing simply to put my thoughts into the conversation or just to be heard. Unless it’s something new, something the mainstream overlooked or thought irrelevant at the time, or unless it’s something I feel strongly about that needs repetition, chances are I won’t be interjecting my words into the discourse. If somebody else has already illuminated a point, that I was going to illuminate, I let it go. My job was done by somebody else, and I go on to the next thing.

When I was a child my mother took me to the doctor because I started then stopped talking. The doctor said, ‘Leave her alone. There’s nothing wrong with her. She’ll talk when she has something to say’. That’s about how it is with my writing. When I have something to write, I’ll write it.

In college I recall one of my professors talking about ‘publish or perish’. I’ve often thought about that throughout my writing career, and fully understand the concept. Even on Facebook if you don’t post for a few months everybody forgets who you are and it takes a long time to get back into the ‘game’.

Although I’m fully cognizant of the ‘perish’ part – and do worry now and then about not posting on a regular schedule – it isn’t in my nature to force an opinion or view from myself nor to look feverishly for a different slant – that four leaf clover, or diamond in the rough that didn’t sparkle enough for anybody to notice – just so that I’ll get noticed. If it’s there for me to find, I’ll find it when the time is right for me to find it.

~ Sharon Lee Davies-Tight

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