Tell The World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is

Three American soldiers killed in Jordon by militia supporting Palestine. The USA president vows revenge – like he already isn’t bombing the hell out of Palestine. Any excuse for a war, proves the hypocrisy of the USA government.  Now we’re going to start a war with Jordan, because the militia and friends decided it’s timeContinueContinue reading “Tell The World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is”


Calm yourself without over-doing it. Taking wild calming agents or engaging in frantic activities to calm yourself, leads to further chaos. Try little measures, that no one notices, then keep them to yourself, not like you have a secret, just keep it to yourself. Try it. If it doesn’t work, then discard it. Then tryContinueContinue reading “Calm”

Palestine Is The Lithuania Of The Middle East

Palestinians endure like Russians, but soft like Lithuanian when not enslaved, tortured and slaughtered. They’re meeker by nature than most, but like any caged animal will act commensurate with the pressure applied by their torturers, in this case, the Jews worldwide wanting Palestinian land to increase their population numbers via inbreeding farms in the centerContinueContinue reading “Palestine Is The Lithuania Of The Middle East”

Occupy LAND AND PEOPLE Using Five Fatal Flaws

Why Use The Word Occupy To Mean Slave Ownership? Just the word occupy. Why use that word? Who picked it? For what reason? People can easily be convinced they’re doing something for somebody’s own good, till they’re placed into that same or similar position and their view changes. “I’m occupied”, yells me to another who’sContinueContinue reading “Occupy LAND AND PEOPLE Using Five Fatal Flaws”

World Outraged When Palestine Finally Defends Itself Against 75 Years Of Occupation And Oppression

All this love and support Jews worldwide seem to have for stealing land from the indigenous people living on it, because they didn’t pay rent, is an abomination that must be punishable by world law in a world court. Remember how they took that land, and then continued taking it and are still taking it,ContinueContinue reading “World Outraged When Palestine Finally Defends Itself Against 75 Years Of Occupation And Oppression”

U Have To Give A Damn To Discriminate

That means there’s a route to undiscriminate. It doesn’t require violence, only determination to do what’s best for all, not some. Just back up. You have the power. Discrimination is designed to separate/divide for political purposes. Keep the natives fighting each other, so we can rule the world, on a need to know basis only,ContinueContinue reading “U Have To Give A Damn To Discriminate”

Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy

Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy Calm is a mental state, not necessarily a physical state. You can be highly physically active in the day to day and highly energetic and be simultaneously calm-minded. Calm energy is not the same as nervous energy, though each involves the nervous system. Nervous energy is activated by worry. CalmContinueContinue reading “Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy”

As It Turns Out

Being Kicked In The Teeth Causes Chaos 1- As it turns out, the political party I spent my whole life supporting, represents only half the people in the country where I was born and raised. 2- As it tuns out, the political party I spent my whole life supporting, passed laws limiting free speech in all peoplesContinueContinue reading “As It Turns Out”

The Pfizer Sores Came Back one year almost to the day


The Kirby Manor Invasions Part 3

Steve and police officer badge # 758 left the apartment at Steve’s suggestion to go talk to the Kirby Manor office, since they had made no effort to contact him regarding the forcible entry to install an anti-incendiary device with a service dog home alone, and since a strange, unknown man approached us after hours,ContinueContinue reading “The Kirby Manor Invasions Part 3”

The Kirby Invasions Part 1

“DON’T LET THEM IN THE BUILDING” How about if they’re not a familiar employee, lacking proper indentification and are acting erratic after business hours?   This flyer was installed many times by Kirby Manor staff and many times it was removed by people engaged in illegal activities, so seniors would let them in the building. ContinueContinue reading “The Kirby Invasions Part 1”

Kirby Manor Invasions Part 2

Sharon & Stephen Davies-Tight Kirby Manor 11500 Detroit Avenue Apt. 707 Cleveland, Ohio 441102 NOTICE OF CEASE & DESIST March 26, 2023 Mark Ricketts President & Chief Executive Officer National Church Residences 2335 North Bank Drive Columbus, Ohio 43220 To Mark Ricketts, and/or to Whom Else It Concerns: On Wednesday, 15 March 2023 we bothContinueContinue reading “Kirby Manor Invasions Part 2”

Be Ready. Stay Steady. Slaughter Industries Are Passe.

send to beef magazine: I know you know that half barn and half garden won’t last – it won’t be enough change, precisely because that’s the  status quo – only using different words to describe it. There’s no change there. The government, no matter how many politicians are bought, is going ahead with the planContinueContinue reading “Be Ready. Stay Steady. Slaughter Industries Are Passe.”

Russia Never Said Anything About Invading Ukraine

Russia Never Said Anything About Invading Ukraine NATO wants to make Ukraine a member state to thumb its nose at Russia. Ukraine spends too much time and money wanting to increase its military prowess to appeal to NATO, then NATO keeps raising the bar – it’s all about Russia ultimately and Crimea as a meansContinueContinue reading “Russia Never Said Anything About Invading Ukraine”

It Is Not Forgiveness

It’s called forgiveness in order to fit into a prophecy that Jesus chose to fulfill. Turn the other cheek is something Jews, most Jews in antiquity, could not do. But Jesus wasn’t only a Jew. If they had DNA testing back then, but they didn’t, so the story goes as copied from ear to ear,ContinueContinue reading “It Is Not Forgiveness”

Control Freaks

CONTROL FREAKS SEEK CALM BY CREATING CHAOS That’s what they used to call people who apply extraordinary measures to control others in their lives thinking that makes them in control of themselves, so they really don’t have to change themselves as long as they’re changing everyone around them to accommodate their need to stay theContinueContinue reading “Control Freaks”

Too Much Discipline?

IT’S YOUR LIFE. YOU’RE THE DRIVER Discipline feels good when you don’t over-discipline yourself. Then it becomes an irritant and you begin resenting it. Start off slow and keep a steady forward moving process until you reach an optimal level and balance with all else in your life. Go easy with it. Allow yourself upsContinueContinue reading “Too Much Discipline?”

What’s With The Pervert Obsession Of Brits?

What’s With The Pervert Obsession Of Brits? Everybody calls everybody a PERV. Women and gays do it more than anyone. Right to the guy’s face or behind his back, it’s delivered like a death sentence. Sharp as a spike through the heart and brain at once. Kill the guy won’t don’t you. What’s with BritishContinueContinue reading “What’s With The Pervert Obsession Of Brits?”


As A Group Jews are the biggest haters on the planet. Disproportionate response is the world consensus every time someone or country or group goes against their grain or interferes with their plans short and long term, which means they as a group are in a perpetual state of Disproportionate Response (DR). The world expressesContinueContinue reading “AS A GROUP”

I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. Sound familiar?

I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. Sound familiar? Why wait to learn a lesson by making a mistake? Learn it before the mistake to eliminate the suffering mistakes create. Do you like chaos that much? Flirting with fate? Throwing caution to the wind that you know full well is unpredictable? You know that going in.ContinueContinue reading “I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. Sound familiar?”

It Takes Two

The cycle of prejudice moves from one group to another never solving the problem, just moving it. Revenge is what’s on everybody’s mind, not growth and progress. Prejudice doesn’t happen in a vacuum without willing participants at some level of engagement. I’ve seen it happen in affordable housing. Management begins to take liberties for theirContinueContinue reading “It Takes Two”


Whatever Happened To The ‘70s? We were raising all the right issues and getting everything right. What happened? I used to wonder that in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Then came 9-11 and tore the world apart. Yeah but what happened to the progress made in the ‘70s? The Millennials. Progress made doesn’t guarantee its longContinueContinue reading “CHAOS ENSUED”

Palestinian-Eating Virus

Some things can make you feel good, but not make you feel good about yourself. The British like to poke people. Keep your fingers and metaphors to yourself. They poke you to get your attention. Jews lock the gates and aerial bomb those locked in to force compliance to invasion and takeover. Jews claim they’reContinueContinue reading “Palestinian-Eating Virus”

Speaking-Off-The-Cuff And Brainstorming

Most people want a president who speaks off-the-cuff, a brainstorming president, a person who says what’s on their mind, a president who doesn’t hide their personal thoughts by speaking from a script prepared by agents of the government, as did previous presidents in modern history. After all, the ones left in place when the politiciansContinueContinue reading “Speaking-Off-The-Cuff And Brainstorming”


Many of those who demand compassion from others have no compassion toward anyone except their own group or demographic. Selective compassion creates chaos and mistrust. Spread your kindness to all creatures large and small and see the world change for the better.Tweet

Mutually Beneficial?

If we don’t respect and maintain borders, then how do we apply for and disperse social benefits? The world needs to be geographically divided in order to execute/conduct the business of the people. Take the numbers off the buildings and the street signs down – those are borders too, when you think about it. InContinueContinue reading “Mutually Beneficial?”


It’s time to redefine Calm for those who accepted a definition they didn’t understand. Chaos – Calm – Calm – Chaos. The edge of calm. Which edge? This side? Or the other side? The line is thin. Which way do I cross to be on the right side? Without a compass? How will I know? That which repels orContinueContinue reading “THE EDGE OF CALM”

SOCIALISM vs FASCISM what it means here

Socialism and fascism are to me essentially taking the power of the individual – relinquishing one’s control over one’s own destiny – and handing it over to an oppressive ideology via the state and/or designated groups operating as co-ops to use or neglect as they see fit for the state and/or group. Everyone looks theContinueContinue reading “SOCIALISM vs FASCISM what it means here”

Culture Clashing

The world needs laws that are enforced. Simply having a law does not guarantee compliance. It should, if we all had integrity, but it doesn’t and we don’t. Some people will skirt the law looking for loopholes, others will outright defy it, if they can get away with it. When enforcement of laws is downContinueContinue reading “Culture Clashing”

Hedonism – Freedom Or Chaos

Everything in life wasn’t meant to come easy or even naturally. Work, hard work, is an integral part of challenging us to do and be better. Always giving way to what is most comfortable or taking the path of least resistance is seen as hedonistic – selfish. As long as we live among other animals,ContinueContinue reading “Hedonism – Freedom Or Chaos”

Religious Doctrine Based On Faith Not Fact

Using religion as a reason and a basis to refuse service or other freedoms afforded others equals discrimination on the basis of religion or creed. Religion is a creed. Religion is a philosophy. Religion is an ideology. The provisions of the law must work both ways – to prevent discrimination against one who is practicingContinueContinue reading “Religious Doctrine Based On Faith Not Fact”

No Intermissions

Some people have a need to create chaos. They function at their optimal levels (they think) when in flux. The problem here is that by being in flux all the time, they force others they encounter to experience their dramas with them. It’s like an ongoing play with no intermissions. Steering clear or responding inContinueContinue reading “No Intermissions”

Deciding Whether to Impose Sanctions On Foreign Countries For Disseminating Propaganda

THE COUNTRIES IN QUESTION are the USA against Iran’s Propaganda Machine. How would the USA determine in Iran what is false news and what is not false news? It’s difficult enough in the USA to fact-check the lying fact-checkers. It really isn’t our business to be proof reading the news stories in a foreign country,ContinueContinue reading “Deciding Whether to Impose Sanctions On Foreign Countries For Disseminating Propaganda”

Domestic Journalistic Terrorism (DJT)

24/7 vindictive news outlets are making a nation sick. Fake news is disorienting a nation. When a nation is disoriented by not knowing what to believe or what to trust, it destabilizes a nation. It puts the nation in chaos. Fake news: Intentionally disseminating false stories for the purpose of confusing a nation or aContinueContinue reading “Domestic Journalistic Terrorism (DJT)”


CHAOS | CALM THE WALL Warm greens, more crystal than moss-like surround me with promises of days freshened by new life (because there must be new life if we are to survive) born from new ideas as window sills turn to marble, black and navy blue sparkles with smooth glass-like scents of velvet gray skin, waiting, alwaysContinueContinue reading “THE WALL”

Newspaper Attack In France – racist paper (charlie hebdo) the target

Benjamin Netanyahu plants his face into the middle of the attack by traveling to Paris for speeches and photo opportunities – aligning himself with free speech by marching in a million person parade to celebrate those freedoms. However, it wasn’t long ago that Netanyahu announced to the media that Israelis do not have a freeContinueContinue reading “Newspaper Attack In France – racist paper (charlie hebdo) the target”


It is becoming clear that the Islamic State – no matter where they operate – is sending a message to Muslims, whom they think are weak and not carrying out the ‘missionary purpose’ of spreading the Islamic faith – as one of dominance – not unlike the goals of the Christians or the Jews inContinueContinue reading “ISLAMIC STATE – ISRAELI STATE – ISIS”


Tonight. The night. I wait no more. Born from a bad day – from start to, well, not to finish, but to now. Rapid writing I liked – computer style. And did I write – like a tornado ripping through a town – capturing every thought before it reverted back to the energy from whenceContinueContinue reading “A FRESH START”