Tell The World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is

Three American soldiers killed in Jordon by militia supporting Palestine. The USA president vows revenge – like he already isn’t bombing the hell out of Palestine.

Any excuse for a war, proves the hypocrisy of the USA government. 

Now we’re going to start a war with Jordan, because the militia and friends decided it’s time to fight back against Jewish and American oppression and supremacy in the Middle East, killing three USA soldiers in Jordan, and taking credit for it, they say. 

This promised response by the USA should get us into WW III just in time to get Joseph Biden re-elected. Then we’ll commit yet another holocaust after the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria, and Palestine since 9-11 for over twenty years – a disproportionate response I’d say to 9-11. All for global Jewish supremacy. 

Be careful, the USA can dump you in a minute. They don’t need the Jews currently occupying Palestine in order to dance with their neighbors – three’s a crowd anyway. 

Nikki Haley was wrong; we do not need Israel – we never needed Israel – they’re high maintenance and nobody likes that. One of these days our soldiers will refuse to fight the forever Jewish war in the name of Yahweh, while Jewish entertainers sing about peace, absent a plan to achieve it. Yiddish turns to gibberish turns to rubbish before the eyes of the world can blink long enough to change it.

War does not create peace, only breaks in a holocaust from war fatigue, then they get right back to it; George Mitchell was a lazy thinker. Look where that lazy got us. 

One must wonder why Palestine isn’t involved in the peace talks, when they’re the ones being holocausted by the Jews wanting their land?

The United Nations and the World Court voted to sustain the holocaust of Palestinians in Palestine. Essentially. They knew the words to use to allow Benjamin Netanyahu to continue his rampage. Too many countries financially benefitting long term for their long term support of whatever Israel wants Israel gets theology. Fear is the underlying motivation, but the promise of money, goods and privileges seals the deal.

Benjamin Netanyahu learned nothing from Ariel Sharon. Where’s the beautiful vision talk you used to parlay world support for your holocaust against the inhabitants of Palestine, the land you covet for a Jewish majority? I believe Adolph Hitler used those same words – a beautiful vision for whom? Not the Palestinians for sure, so it must be for the Jews. How can one be guaranteed they’ll never be atacked? They can’t; therein lies the rub. The way. To continue warring forever – as long as the USA is willing to pay off all the opposing countries in benefits.

What happens when all the world belongs to NATO? No more war? No more bombing of the planet and all the life on it that requires it for sustenance? The United Nations and the World Court don’t have a vision either, a workable for all parties involved vision, beyond the vision of the Jews – besides what they’re having for dinner each night and with whom they’ll dine.

Why don’t the Palestinians have a say? Because they’re slaves, and slaves don’t get a say.

Stop the bombing and everybody loses money. Bomb-making is a lucrative business. Who’s going to get the building contracts to rebuild Palestine? It had better not be the Jews or the USA who blew it up, unless they pay every last dime of it. You know that won’t happen, because of the perpetual threat of what they’ll do to those who oppose their world expansion leads to domination plans.

Good thing the USA really is Israel dressed in drag, otherwise those in support of the holocaust against a defenseless people in 2024 would be trembling.

Tell The Whole Wide World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is, Benjamin Netanyahu.

A Very Long War?

Bombs Are Beautiful?

Building Contracts?

You’ll Take In All The Inbreeders Of The World?


What the world is doing in Palestine is terrorism, not what Palestine is doing to the world.

Start trembling now.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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