
This post has been banned by Facebook for hate speech

Banned Post: Laws People Think Are Theirs’ To Break Are Major Ones Blacks and Hispanics force white people to fight their battles for them. They do it with their dogs and gamecocks too – force them to fight, for the purpose of monetary gain. It’s always about the money. Blacks and Browns like to watch peopleContinue reading "This post has been banned by Facebook for hate speech"


They know what they're doing is wrong, but they say forced labor and all that entails was wrong too - to them. If they don't get something from the horrors, not only what war did, but what they did to each other, they couldn't live with themselves. They need it to keep from blowing upContinue reading "Terror"

Tell The World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is

Three American soldiers killed in Jordon by militia supporting Palestine. The USA president vows revenge - like he already isn't bombing the hell out of Palestine. Any excuse for a war, proves the hypocrisy of the USA government.  Now we're going to start a war with Jordan, because the militia and friends decided it's timeContinue reading "Tell The World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is"

Facts and Lies

Facts rarely produce a reflexive response. Rumors, innuendos and false accusations produce knee-jerk responses that create chaos. Think about it, what gets your heart pumping, the truth or lies?

Tell The Truth

Do you know how many white people died or sacrificed everything but their lives to help black Africans gain their freedom from slavery and then supported their efforts to achieve equality? Too many to count? Yet nowhere during black history month is their sacrifice acknowledged.  Now that is an ungrateful demographic of people who areContinue reading "Tell The Truth"

Pronouns and Transgenders

I wonder if transgender people object to using their new gender pronoun? For example, transformation from male to female equals female now. Female to male equals male now? The general population deserves to know, rather than not and be shunned or called out for assigning the wrong pronoun, or worse be accused of hate. Let'sContinue reading "Pronouns and Transgenders"

Ending Illegal Occupation Now Will End The Holocaust

https://wordwarriorpremiumcontent.wordpress.com/2024/01/19/bombs-are-genocidal/?page_id=387 Occupying any peoples on any lands for the purpose of exterminating them is illegal by anyone's standards. What are you waiting for?

A. Blinken Targeted Palestinian Children for B. Netanyahu’s Famous Furnace

Laughing Israleis. ISIS inspired. Bomb tunnels where children hide. sldt. __ Those bombs holocausting children in Gaza, Palestine are not made in Iran; they're made in the good ole' USA. "Let's Make America Great Again"? By holocausting ten thousand innocent children in 100 days in the Land of Palestine, to make way for Jewish children?Continue reading "A. Blinken Targeted Palestinian Children for B. Netanyahu’s Famous Furnace"

AI (Artificial Intelligence) Fatigue

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) tires too quickly. What's the mental fatigue in AI all about? The point of AI it to surpass not equal Current Intelligence. The world needs both young and elder leaders to be equal. Gender doesn't matter in matters of State. Only fairness and opportunity matter. Think. Your brain already knows what myContinue reading "AI (Artificial Intelligence) Fatigue"

Something Needs Saying

Birth Of A Seed Get to the point. The trans people - some considering - just a fancy day dream - suicide belt, that only blows themself up and doesn't hurt anybody else? You're anybody, so you can't do that, you don't qualify under your own rule. For this reason I need to keep myContinue reading "Something Needs Saying"


Calm yourself without over-doing it. Taking wild calming agents or engaging in frantic activities to calm yourself, leads to further chaos. Try little measures, that no one notices, then keep them to yourself, not like you have a secret, just keep it to yourself. Try it. If it doesn't work, then discard it. Then tryContinue reading "Calm"

be your own editor-in-chief

I can but I choose not to. That's all you have to think or say. Judge your own writing.  Don't let a headline influence you, read the text of the article, then you decide. That's called responsible writing and responsible reading.

The Elephant Is You

Maybe that's the problem, you don't address the one in the room. You address the one out of the room.

Palestine Is The Lithuania Of The Middle East

Palestinians endure like Russians, but soft like Lithuanian when not enslaved, tortured and slaughtered. They're meeker by nature than most, but like any caged animal will act commensurate with the pressure applied by their torturers, in this case, the Jews worldwide wanting Palestinian land to increase their population numbers via inbreeding farms in the centerContinue reading "Palestine Is The Lithuania Of The Middle East"

Holocast In Progress

What’s wrong that can be fixed? Warming Up. Cooling Down. __ JEWS SURVIVING AND THRIVING ON THE LAND OF PALESTINE intentionally provoked the Palestinians, like was done to the Tempe Warriors of Australia by companies wanting their trees, then taking them by peeling their forests bare. That’s essentially what the USA and Europe allowed the JewsContinue reading "Holocast In Progress"

Borders Immigrants Inbreeding Eradication

Borders And Eradication The only thing the Jews wanted was the land absent the occupants. The more aggressive Palestinians they corralled into GAZA where the plan was to annihilate them. Seal the borders and kill them all. Then they would have accomplished the beginning, the cornerstone of their Mid-East vision for their interpretation of ISRAEL.Continue reading "Borders Immigrants Inbreeding Eradication"

Occupy LAND AND PEOPLE Using Five Fatal Flaws

Why Use The Word Occupy To Mean Slave Ownership? Just the word occupy. Why use that word? Who picked it? For what reason? People can easily be convinced they’re doing something for somebody’s own good, till they’re placed into that same or similar position and their view changes. “I’m occupied”, yells me to another who’sContinue reading "Occupy LAND AND PEOPLE Using Five Fatal Flaws"

How To Decrease Black Arrest Rates

Blacks want more Whites in jail to balance out the numbers via ratios that now show black people to be incarcerated more often per capita than white people. Or, Blacks want fewer Blacks incarcerated either by arrest and release programs or by law enforcement ignoring law breakers. One might think that Blacks would want toContinue reading "How To Decrease Black Arrest Rates"

Israeli Jews Prepare Themselves For A Feast

 TO CURE THE OCCUPATION Eat the enemy? Israeli Jews Prepare Themselves For A Feast - A Palestinian Flesh Orgy I'm wearing my British now. Why wouldn't I when they're the biggest occupiers on the Planet - of all time. And I'm part British. They won't solve the Peanut Butter & Jelly issue, because it wouldContinue reading "Israeli Jews Prepare Themselves For A Feast"



9-11 in October. In Palestine.

9-11 in October. "This is what we do to people who won't give us their land" Every military on earth need take notice. This will happen to you until the Hasidic Jews control every last piece of earth. The USA has no place to hide. They will turn and burn your ashes against you. TheContinue reading "9-11 in October. In Palestine."

Jared Kushner Adds The USA As An Occupier Of Palestine

Jared Kusher was given three years to come up with a plan, that the Palestinians didn’t see until it was released to the world. Let's refresh some recent history. Mahmoud Abbas was given two weeks to counter the proposal with his own resolution, which was (unofficially) rejected by the United Nations body. He now hasContinue reading "Jared Kushner Adds The USA As An Occupier Of Palestine"

Joseph Biden Finances Holocaust Against Indigenous People – Palestinians

The whole world should know that if Israeli settlers come into your town and steal your property and take control of your family and neighbors, services, and food supply with bombs, that when you fight back for your property and liberty, the USA will call you terrorists. How could you not figure out that IsraelContinue reading "Joseph Biden Finances Holocaust Against Indigenous People – Palestinians"

There Is A Solution

No one should be surprised that Britain took the side of the occupiers. That's who they are - in life, in blood, in every cell of their beings they seek to occupy others and all that others possess. Not only their land, their structures, their food, their clothing, their books, their knowledge but every cellContinue reading "There Is A Solution"

World Outraged When Palestine Finally Defends Itself Against 75 Years Of Occupation And Oppression

All this love and support Jews worldwide seem to have for stealing land from the indigenous people living on it, because they didn’t pay rent, is an abomination that must be punishable by world law in a world court. Remember how they took that land, and then continued taking it and are still taking it,Continue reading "World Outraged When Palestine Finally Defends Itself Against 75 Years Of Occupation And Oppression"

U Want To Keep Yourselves Enslaved?

Black Africans are not a minority. They occupy/own an entire continent, then spread their seeds to every other country. Stop calling yourselves a minority for preferential treatment. Nobody's buying it any more. Stop feigning enslavement. Slaves don't own companies and hold high public offices. You're as free as anybody else. Act it.

Democrats Politicizing The Constitution

Democrats politicize the USA Constitution by demanding the Supreme Court ban an individual, any individual, from running for office based on anything. let the people decide is supposed to be the American way.

U Have To Give A Damn To Discriminate

That means there's a route to undiscriminate. It doesn't require violence, only determination to do what's best for all, not some. Just back up. You have the power. Discrimination is designed to separate/divide for political purposes. Keep the natives fighting each other, so we can rule the world, on a need to know basis only,Continue reading "U Have To Give A Damn To Discriminate"

Capitalizing and Lowercasing Colors Of People

The associated press announced to the world during the race riots that their writers would capitalize the first letter of Black and lower case the first letter of whites. How small. That's not just prejudicial, it's discriminatory. It's intentional infliction of discrimination designed intentionally to hurt all white people. So they make all black peopleContinue reading "Capitalizing and Lowercasing Colors Of People"

Tough Luck

It's hard to find a human serial killer with all the bones, blood and flesh of all the other animals in everybody's kitchens. Restaurants too.

An Overheard Conversation

Sharon expresses all of her ethnicities. We've never seen anything like it. Sharon who? Davies-Tight inaudible DAVIES-TIGHT Oh. inaudible. hang up Sharon. I can't.

I don’t live anybody else’s life

I do what I think is correct. Beyond that I don't care. I'm responsible for only me. ~Sharon Lee

Set The Example

If you can’t change yourself, don’t count on me to convince you. That’s not what I do. I set an example; take from it what you will. When you view change as setting an example, it's easier to change into whatever it is you want to be or do.

Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy

Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy Calm is a mental state, not necessarily a physical state. You can be highly physically active in the day to day and highly energetic and be simultaneously calm-minded. Calm energy is not the same as nervous energy, though each involves the nervous system. Nervous energy is activated by worry. CalmContinue reading "Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy"

The Perversity of Brits

The Perversity of Brits When I lived in Hawaii I saw the news one night where this police officer comes on T.V. and talks about a rape victim. A tourist. Officials often blame the tourist for going too far off the tourist path thinking they'll be safe. Why? Because it's Hawaii.  Stay in Waikiki. GuessContinue reading "The Perversity of Brits"

My Preach – if you can call it that

What other people do really isn't my focus. It's what I do that counts to me. I can't control anybody but myself. That's the degree of my preach. I can talk or write all day and night and it means nothing, since the government controls all movement of my words. Total control over my intellectualContinue reading "My Preach – if you can call it that"

Wake Up The Planet© In Full

also look at: FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS OF SHARON™ new site I can write like everybody else; I chose to write how I think. I thought that’s what the world deserved – short reads joining the past with the present and future. NOW let's take a look at WAKE UP THER PLANET© Wake Up The Planet©Continue reading "Wake Up The Planet© In Full"

As It Turns Out

Being Kicked In The Teeth Causes Chaos 1- As it turns out, the political party I spent my whole life supporting, represents only half the people in the country where I was born and raised. 2- As it tuns out, the political party I spent my whole life supporting, passed laws limiting free speech in all peoplesContinue reading "As It Turns Out"

Sticks Stones And Names

Sticks Stones And Names "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me."  Remember that? Said by parents to children crying over being called names? Well guess what? Names do hurt. Names are not only libelous and slanderous, they cut to the quick whether true or not. It's the manner inContinue reading "Sticks Stones And Names"

Laughing My gAs Off

Laughing My gAs Off Jesus Muckme Twice!! I've gotta become a comedian to understand this Zelensky guy in Ukraine? What the hell is he doing? Challenges Russia to a duel? And then what? When nobody falls, hit 'em? Where's my writer, he says? At the end of the joke? Come on, where's this going, really?Continue reading "Laughing My gAs Off"

A Mix-Up In The DNA Story

DNA. Cigarette, alcohol, drug DNA. Disease DNA. Killer, thief, liar, cheat DNA. Obesity, skinny, allergy DNA. Honesty, altruism, compassion, courage DNA. Scientists say that your DNA predetermines whether you’ll smoke, drink, drug, contract a disease, become a killer, thief, liar or cheat, become fat, skinny, honest, altruistic, compassionate, courageous - and on from there. IfContinue reading "A Mix-Up In The DNA Story"


It's hard to believe or understand that there can be twins born a year apart via different eggs and different sperms from the same mother and father. That's me and my brother Jim. It's possible though not probable scientists will say. I deal in the possible. That's my world. Looking for probable is the easyContinue reading "Twins"

Get Out Of Your Own Way

Get Out Of Your Own Way You need to get out of the way of yourself. You’re the one making you fail. You punish the world by punishing yourself. Who wins then? The world doesn’t care. You’re not even a speck in the universe - - until you decide to get out of your ownContinue reading "Get Out Of Your Own Way"

Women’s Rights And Muslims

The more Muslims coming to America to live, the more America reverts to its own ugly past of separating men and women. Wake up Muslims. Ownership of mothers, wives, daughters and other women does not come with an American citizenship.


Everybody's a little different means everybody's a lot the same.

Atheism vs Churches

I'm not an atheist. I just don't like churches with people in them.

The Pfizer Sores Came Back one year almost to the day

PFIZER SORES CAME BACK https://happywhitehorse.com/2023/05/19/the-pfizers-sores-came-back-one-year-almost-to-the-day/

RE: Transitional Phrases And Sentences

Write your thoughts first without any introductory and/or transitional phrases or sentences. Go back later and insert the transitions as you see fit. That way, you won't 'lose that thought' over meaningless transitional inserts, which have nothing to do with the creative process, except to distract and block it.


If you can't find the source, then you can't solve the problem. Quick fixes are the result that act as band-aids. Band-aids cover mistakes; they don't expose them.

What To Do With Hurt

Sometimes the hurt makes you stronger as you absorb it into your being providing you with invisible armor.


Sometimes those who do all the hurting are hurting the most.