Go Back To The Prejudice

Meaningful solutions cannot be found at the levels of discrimination, enslavement, torture or slaughter, unless you first understand the prejudice.

It is in the area of prejudice, before one discriminates, that we must revisit to find the cure for what later became discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter.

What caused a movement within the prejudicial realm, based on whatever reason(s), to evolve into discrimination and then to move forward from that? This type of inquiry responds less effectively to brain-storming (since that’s a prejudicial thought process in itself) and more effectively to thoughtful non-emotional examination devoid of blame.

It’s not like a no-fault insurance policy, and it’s not suggesting equal blame nor equal participation, only an open examination of all the facts absent the investigatory prejudice inherent in any investigation.

We all prejudge – every thought, every action, everything. It’s our animal nature to do that.

If the prejudice in question goes back to the beginning of time, well, we can’t revisit that. So that’s when you start from here. You start from now absent the blame. Absent the emotion. It is possible once you decide to take that path.

Many people think they’re vested in something – some issue whereby they believe and act as if they have a vested interest in it, when they really don’t. But even if they do, take the money or the land or the benefit off the table and start from there.

You can’t cure a prejudice, because by nature we all have them. All you can do is understand it. If you refuse to understand a prejudice, then you stay stuck in a bad place, unable to move beyond the prejudice to start eliminating the discrimination resulting from it, even though you might abhor it. Usually when you abhor it is when you refuse to understand it. So you wallow. You wallow in your endless meaningless words and commentary offering no solutions only more chaotic outbursts claiming everybody to be unfair.

You can’t sue a person because they have a prejudice against you. Prejudice by the way rarely means hatred. People have likes and dislikes, strong and not so strong feelings about everything and everyone. It cannot be a crime to be prejudiced, when we all are in the same category.

Discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter are the easiest to fix. You recognize the injustice and unfairness directed at whomever or whatever group is under scrutiny. You stop the offending action, then repair the damage by passing new laws and by enforcing those laws. Then you clean up the mess caused by the unfair treatment and put regulations in place to prevent a similar occurrence in the future.

The United States still doesn’t have an equal rights amendment for women. There comes a point, and that point is now, that change must be imposed and then enforced. Discrimination against women is a global problem and must be tackled globally as well as on the national and regional levels – all levels. We can’t wait anymore for evolution to take its course – that’s for lazy people without solutions who want to procrastinate at the expense of someone else.

The solution is in front of you. Stop the discrimination. If you don’t know how, then why are you in a problem-solving position? Quit. Now. You’re not the right person for the job.


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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