
They know what they’re doing is wrong, but they say forced labor and all that entails was wrong too – to them. If they don’t get something from the horrors, not only what war did, but what they did to each other, they couldn’t live with themselves. They need it to keep from blowing upContinueContinue reading “Terror”

Occupy LAND AND PEOPLE Using Five Fatal Flaws

Why Use The Word Occupy To Mean Slave Ownership? Just the word occupy. Why use that word? Who picked it? For what reason? People can easily be convinced they’re doing something for somebody’s own good, till they’re placed into that same or similar position and their view changes. “I’m occupied”, yells me to another who’sContinueContinue reading “Occupy LAND AND PEOPLE Using Five Fatal Flaws”

U Want To Keep Yourselves Enslaved?

Black Africans are not a minority. They occupy/own an entire continent, then spread their seeds to every other country. Stop calling yourselves a minority for preferential treatment. Nobody’s buying it any more. Stop feigning enslavement. Slaves don’t own companies and hold high public offices. You’re as free as anybody else. Act it.

A Mix-Up In The DNA Story

DNA. Cigarette, alcohol, drug DNA. Disease DNA. Killer, thief, liar, cheat DNA. Obesity, skinny, allergy DNA. Honesty, altruism, compassion, courage DNA. Scientists say that your DNA predetermines whether you’ll smoke, drink, drug, contract a disease, become a killer, thief, liar or cheat, become fat, skinny, honest, altruistic, compassionate, courageous – and on from there. IfContinueContinue reading “A Mix-Up In The DNA Story”

Let Me Go!

Tell your people to let go of you, so you can grow as an individual and make choices on your own, rather than letting the group rule and define you as the same as everybody else in the group. That’s the enslavement, torture and slaughter of the mind at work by the dictators in yourContinueContinue reading “Let Me Go!”

Cancel Culture?

Cancel Culture? What is it a subscription for which you no longer want to pay? Stop stealing the ideas of other people and putting your names to it. Let’s see, Black Lives want to unsubscribe to every culture except their own? British want to unsubscribe to every culture except their own? Spanish want to unsubscribeContinueContinue reading “Cancel Culture?”

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You Do Not Need To Be A Hater To Be An Activist

 You do not need to be a hater to be an activist. You do not need to support violence as a means for change. You do not need to hate to make a difference. If it makes you feel good to hate someone or some group, examine and explore. Feeling good about hurting others goesContinueContinue reading “You Do Not Need To Be A Hater To Be An Activist”

Mental Fences

You’re Born With Smart You don’t need an education to be smart. Educate yourself. If you know how to read you can do that. Nobody’s interested, thus nobody is interesting. Reading makes you more knowledgable, not more smart. You’re born with smart – the ability, the capacity, to learn. You die with what you didContinueContinue reading “Mental Fences”


Boycott The United States of America means freedom to protest against the government in order to prevent a dictatorship. That several states have outlawed the boycott of Israeli products made in occupied areas of Palestine is contrary to the American principle of freedom. Get new posts by WORD WARRIOR DAVIES-TIGHT delivered directly to your inbox

In Britain It’s Socially Acceptable For Men To Call Women Cunts

In Britain It’s Socially Acceptable For Men To Call Women Cunts That says something about the lack of respect that British men have for women. Stop bringing that prejudice and vile disrespect of women to America. If you can’t help yourselves, then contain yourselves. Your bad habits spread like viruses all over the globe. WakeContinueContinue reading “In Britain It’s Socially Acceptable For Men To Call Women Cunts”

Blacks Don’t Need An Outside Trigger To Fight

Blacks Don’t Need An Outside Trigger To Fight If there’s no trigger, they’ll create one, then blame the trigger and the person they popped, so they could experience a psychological and physical release from self and group imposed bondage. They are the trigger. To be socially acceptable, however, they need to shift responsibility to othersContinueContinue reading “Blacks Don’t Need An Outside Trigger To Fight”


Privilege Is Painful It hurts like hell. We all want it until we get it only to find hell not heaven. All the glory goes to the rich, until you’re the one chosen by the universe to become rich and you realize with startling clarity that glory is painful. So often when individuals from minorContinueContinue reading “PRIVILEGE IS PAINFUL”


Billionaire African black man Aliko Dangote says the world has to change for black people. I say no. Black people need to change themselves if they want to change the world. Five Principles will get you there. No prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter.


Stop using ‘talking heads’ on television to state the views of Euro-Americans, when they have no clue, except what’s pumped into their lazy brains by cable network terrorists looking to keep people fighting to sell their products. Stop turning people into ADS FOR WAR.

Semites Need To Make Peace With Each Other To Save The World

When a Muslim blows up a bunch of people nobody says, what good can come from this? When a Jew does it, the Jews need to stop looking for silver linings–there are none. And unless the Jews stop the Jews, every Jew will be a target. Muslims and Jews are both Semites: There’s a JewContinueContinue reading “Semites Need To Make Peace With Each Other To Save The World”


The cycle of violence stops with you. No matter how much pain you’ve endured, no matter how much anger you harbor, no matter how much vengeance is in every cell of who you are now, as the result of horrific, horrific violence committed against you and those you love, our only hope, the world’s onlyContinueContinue reading “CYCLE OF VIOLENCE”


Do you sometimes feel like a shadow of yourself? Well, all other species on the planet and beyond feel the same exact way. Do you want to join hands by joining minds? Or do you want to stay separate, because nobody accepted you before? Were you not accepted because of your individuality, or because youContinueContinue reading “STAY SEPARATE OR JOIN IN”


If you don’t want to be singled out for your color, then stop calling yourselves a color, and stop calling everybody else by a color. Believe it or not, people usually have a play in the discrimination committed against them. One Example: Hispanics for decades begged to be a low-paying slave wage class of peopleContinueContinue reading “FIRST STEP TO FREEDOM”

The Paradox Of Moving Forward vs Moving Backward

It’s easier to move forward than backward. Try counting forward from one to one hundred, then counting backwards from one hundred to one. Going backwards slows you down. Going forward speeds you up. Going backwards is stale, since you’ve already been there; it’s familiar. One might think the familiarity would speed the process, but itContinueContinue reading “The Paradox Of Moving Forward vs Moving Backward”

Proof Of Existence

If you can’t see it with your own eyes, it doesn’t exist. That’s the argument used to disprove, or often times not even consider, the existence of a God-Force in the universe. Toxins, bacteria, viruses can’t be seen with the human eye, but mechanical devices sharper than the human eye proved that there is aContinueContinue reading “Proof Of Existence”

The Holocaust Museum Effect

Whenever I enter a Cleveland Clinic facility I feel like I’m in a holocaust museum. Over the years, it becomes clear that the Jews weave into everything they design for public consumption an uncomfortable component to make you feel uneasy. They manipulate every little aspect of your environment to their advantage, whatever that advantage is.ContinueContinue reading “The Holocaust Museum Effect”

Oh, Everybody Woke Up:

They just woke up in the past. Most people ‘wake up’ to something new or different while asleep. Unbeknownst to them, their minds go where they wouldn’t dare tread while awake. The problem lies in our obsession with the past and wishing we could change it, so that’s where we get stuck by placing ourContinueContinue reading “Oh, Everybody Woke Up:”

State Sponsored Terrorism

THE BENEFIT OF STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM USA military presence in foreign countries creates terrorism; it doesn’t stop it from emerging. Foreign countries wanting to use the USA military in place of financing their own military are motivated to create terrorism where none existed so as to qualify for this benefit. The main qualification when terrorismContinueContinue reading “State Sponsored Terrorism”


Races aren’t minorities. They’re too big. Demographics aren’t minorities either. Ethnicities aren’t minorities; they’re all too big to be in that category. If you’re important enough to be in a demographic, then you’re not a minority. Religions aren’t minorities either, unless they’re too small to show up on the radar. I don’t know why weContinueContinue reading “MINORITIES”


Black Africans in the USA don’t understand the concept of “we the people”. To them it’s all about “we the Black people”. No other people fit into their paradigms. They’re a ‘me’ centric group of people that most adults find difficult to understand in other adults.  


Black Owned Businesses and Black Entertainment and Black Universities, Black Stock Market are all racist labels designed to favor black people over all others. White Owned businesses and White Entertainment and White Universities, White Stock Market are all racist labels designed to favor white people over all others. But wait, Whites aren’t allowed to sellContinueContinue reading “RACIST LABELS”

Freedom Comes At A Price

Jews scream HOLOCAUST and the world stands still for them. Criticism is what stopped the holocaust, not Jews screaming. Blacks scream SLAVERY and the world stands still for them. Criticism is what stopped slavery, not blacks screaming. Think about that the next time you ruin somebody’s life and the lives of their families because youContinueContinue reading “Freedom Comes At A Price”

GrassRoots Torture

GrassRoots Torture Torture isn’t only committed by the military and intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the world. It’s done by individuals around the world going about their daily lives, who have the power to offend without consequences. It happens in families, in friendships, in the work place and by people in positions to makeContinueContinue reading “GrassRoots Torture”


If you’re not called a racist, xenophobic, bigot, moronic, anti-Jew, anti-gay, piece of dung, then you’re not writing the truth. Ugly isn’t in the truth; it’s in the denial. The truth can be cured; the denial can’t. ~ Sharon Lee Davies-Tight  

The Bad Apple Guarantee

One bad apple spoils the whole bunch. Try it and you’ll see. Place a rotten apple in with all good apples and before long, every other apple turns rotten. One good apple, on the other hand, cannot save a bunch of rotted apples. In fact, all the rotted apples will soon rot the good apple.ContinueContinue reading “The Bad Apple Guarantee”

From Better To Different

For years Jews claimed superiority over every other human demographic. Then, knowing how non-Jews regarded people who thought they were better than anybody else, decided to switch the adjective from ‘better’ to ‘different’. So now my question is: Just how different are you from everybody else, so that when I observe you acting in thatContinueContinue reading “From Better To Different”

RE: Children In Jail Cells With Adult Males…

When adults use children to commit crimes or to gain favor and they are captured together, they are separated for the welfare of the child. Maybe in Mexico or Central or South America they put young children in jail cells with adults, but we don’t do that in the USA. Child molestation is an acceptableContinueContinue reading “RE: Children In Jail Cells With Adult Males…”

Socialism In America – what will it look like?

IF YOU WANT TO KNOW OR SEE in advance what a system of socialism will look like in America, then walk into any prison. Everybody has the same clothes, gets the same food, the same pay no matter the job, the same healthcare, education, housing. The main goal of it’s citizens (privately and publicly) isContinueContinue reading “Socialism In America – what will it look like?”


Hey, we’re all dogs. We’re just different breeds. If you’re living next door to a pit bull who punches his wife, steals your car and molests his kids with white man ice-cream cone bedtime stories, then you’d better erect a high fence around your home and office with only one gate that is visible fromContinueContinue reading “BORDER CONSENT”

MY Tom Brady MUSCLE ANALOGY For Politicians – actually for everybody

SHOW SOME  MUSCLE. SHOW SOME PLIABILITY. Yeah, not a punch, not a kick, not a slap or turning of the back, but a pliable move. Show some pliability in your actions. Different than flexibility, which stretches and conditions only the extreme ends of the muscles, where they attach themselves to the bone and not theContinueContinue reading “MY Tom Brady MUSCLE ANALOGY For Politicians – actually for everybody”

RE: Black African Teens

Since when do we judge a person’s character by what they did as a teen in high school? If that’s the case, then most black African teens would never get their foot in the door of a decent job or career. Your past in high school will follow you all the days of your life.ContinueContinue reading “RE: Black African Teens”

Xenophobia isn’t really a phobia

PHOBIA  A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. The phobia typically results in a rapid onset of fear and is present for more than six months. All those rapid-fire name callers popping up all over social media confuse dislike and self-preservation with fear. Some spiders areContinueContinue reading “Xenophobia isn’t really a phobia”

I’m An Idiot

I never call myself names in my thoughts. Maybe I should. Maybe that’s why I don’t call other people names. Maybe I will, if you terrorize me by threatening my physical or emotional self, you’re the idiot, because I’m the best and only friend you ever had. You see, I respect your right to beContinueContinue reading “I’m An Idiot”


When justice means revenge I don’t support it. When people scream NO JUSTICE NO PEACE they threaten violence if you don’t meet their demands for revenge. Maybe in Africa that works, but in the USA we stopped allowing mobs to hang people a long time ago. ~ Sharon Lee Davies-Tight