Can I Read Minds?

CAN I READ MINDS? I read my own mind – I don’t read anybody else’s. Can I? I don’t know; I never tried. Should I try? No, that would be a violation of their privacy. I can read souls only. That’s my permission granted level. Who grants it? No one. Ask what grants it? WhatContinueContinue reading “Can I Read Minds?”

WW Davies-Tight’s New Year Message

WW Davies-Tight’s New Year Message Let us all behave ourselves in 2023. It starts with me, for me. Lawyer: Does that mean you’ll stop telling people what to do and how to do it? Witness: I write from my personal experience and observation using my entire organism that reaches to every spot in the universe,ContinueContinue reading “WW Davies-Tight’s New Year Message”

The Unicorn Exists

It just wasn’t visible till now. This short expose poses serious questions and answers. ABSTRACT: It starts as a biopsy of cells from the animal du jour who is being birthed, raised on grass and eventually slaughtered to feed the rich. The biopsies are taken to cell-cultured meat labs and grown into their respective animalContinueContinue reading “The Unicorn Exists”

When Someone Uses The Words White Supremacist

Q. What does white supremacy mean? A. It’s a prejudicial term most often used by Africans toward Europeans denoting Europeans supreme over Africans. Supremacy refers to a group and supremacist refers to the individual. As adjectives the difference between superior and supreme is that superior is higher in quality while supreme is dominant, having power over all others. Q. How does theContinueContinue reading “When Someone Uses The Words White Supremacist”

It Was A Surface To Air Missile Launched By The Iranians, agenda-driven folks on social media are screaming

THIS TIME The World Gets THE ANSWER BEFORE The Questions Are Even Asked A. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau stated that a surface to air missile launched by the Iranians brought the plane down. Q. So they already know the nationality? of the person(s) who launched it? and it was confirmed that the Iranian military tookContinueContinue reading “It Was A Surface To Air Missile Launched By The Iranians, agenda-driven folks on social media are screaming”


It’s distressing that people want to go to heaven to reclaim the power they didn’t have on earth. If you can change the world from heaven, don’t you think we’d be in a better spot by now? Why wait for uncertainty?  Claim your power here. Change the world now – by changing yourself into aContinueContinue reading “CLAIM YOUR POWER”


Q. You gave everybody a nervous system – every animal – so they could feel the pain of harm – and run from it – except you. Except you, God – who has no nervous system? How did you manage to do that? Given the power you exert, how is it that there is noContinueContinue reading “DEVOID OF PAIN?”

Why is there so much racism in America when you’re all immigrants?

Q. A. The so-called indigenous are immigrants too.  People like to wander, discover, and crave new adventures. They’re not coming to build a country; it’s already built. They’re a little late to the party so-to-speak.  Most people here now are born from separatists, people who didn’t, or didn’t want to, fit in where they previouslyContinueContinue reading “Why is there so much racism in America when you’re all immigrants?”

Where did everybody come from?

Q.  Where did everybody come from? A.  I’m beginning to think everybody originated in Siberia instead of Africa. Q.  Why? A.  Because it’s easier to land a space ship on a flat surface (ice or water) than in dense forest regions. Q.  That whole boat thing too, Noah? A.  Didn’t come from Northern Africa, unless theContinueContinue reading “Where did everybody come from?”