by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight

This is what my God says, for now. What does your God say?

God says yes to a Department of Peace in all nations, and in the United Nations.

God says no to any person, group, nation or religion claiming to have been chosen by God as superior to all others.

God says no to Israel for sending suicide bombers into Iraq. God says no to all suicide bombers. God says no to all bombers.

God says no to the biological engineering of foods.

God says no to using animal enzymes to grow plants.

God says no to exclusion and yes to inclusion.

God says no to having absolute control over any being. Control yourself.

God says no to committing a holocaust against another people because one was committed against you.

The plant comes from the seed and the seed from the plant.

If symptoms are similar, then may causes be similar?

The only way to solve a problem with a lasting solution is to omit the five flaws: prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter. When you do that, there are no enemies, only discrepancies in approaches needing to be worked out.

God says no to all peoples, groups and nations who contribute to crimes against all beings.

God says no to the slaughter industries. To all nations: begin converting your economic bases to plants and animal-free goods before your foundations crumble (which they will), so you’ll have a head start on staving off economic disaster.

Don’t underestimate the strength of a peasant.

You can’t get any place worthwhile in life without consideration for others, which equals good manners. Proper etiquette is not nearly as important as good manners.

What suits the individual and the group is the blueprint for the perfect plan. Is it possible? It’s necessary, thus possible.

Not more but different is the key to progressive change.

There’s a new God in town and that God is you.

God says yes to making peace. Show the world, your neighbor, friends and family how it’s done. You don’t have to say you’re doing it, just do it by incorporating the five principles into your life.

God says yes to the ‘right of return’ of all peoples to their homeland (if they want).

God says no to all people who get rich by squeezing the poor.

God says yes to healthcare, food, shelter, clothing, transportation and education for all the world’s inhabitants.

God says no to preferential treatment.

God says no to extortion and blackmail.

God says no to prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter.

God says yes to life. No child should be aborted who has an arrangement for caretakers until adulthood. Pregnancies are meant to happen. Extended families and/or the community will care for any children born out of wedlock, without shunning the mother. It will be a celebration not a burden. When the health of the mother is at risk, the health of the baby is also at risk, therefore the host will be saved and the spirit of the child will return through another birth.

God says agreeing to disagree is lazy thinking.

God says no to humiliation and vengeance.

God says no to crimes against all animals.

God says no to assaults against the planet, including but not limited to nuclear testing.

God says no to space exploration while there is still war and suffering on earth.

God says prepare yourself to live–not die. When you’re dying, prepare to live in the afterlife.

God says no to those who stigmatize those challenged by handicap, prejudice and discrimination.

God says no to rubber stamping–a by-product of a dictatorship turned democracy, to keep the dictatorship in place.

God says yes to equal pay for equal work. God says yes to equal rights.

God says yes to death with dignity.

God says no to capital punishment.

God says yes to marriages between any two consenting adults.

God says no to arranged marriages by families or governments.

God says yes to interracial marriage (genetic defects may be eliminated through this process).

God says no to all assassinations (and attempts).

God says yes to drug rehabilitation to anyone who wants and/or needs it. Addiction is not a crime; it’s a disease. Putting an addicted person in jail without benefit of rehab is torture.

God says yes to treatment for child molesters. Breaking the cycle of molestation is the same as breaking the cycle of violence. The person who resorts to violence still has to manage the normal emotion of anger. The molester still has to manage the normal sexual urges. The food addict still has to eat. Find the thread that runs through all addictions and treat that.

God says get ready for a major global correction.

God says help your family, friends and neighbors.

God says welcome.

God says no to violent and demeaning entertainment, including prostitution.

God says honor the living.

God says no to those who take credit for the work of others.

God says no to all African war lords. Your time is near, very near. God says no to tribal governments that discriminate.

God says no to mutilations.

God says no to all individuals and organizations who make false claims of prejudice and discrimination.

God says no to people who commit hate crimes against their own people then blame others in order to gain sympathy and justification for their agendas.

God says no to all rape.

God says yes to open trade with all peoples who conform to the five principles of no prejudice, no discrimination, no enslavement, no torture and no slaughter.

God says no to all religions and governments that don’t give equal status to women and children.

God says no to exploiting the prejudices of others for any reason.

God says yes to those who refuse to fight through violence.

God says no to all individuals, groups and countries engaged in the sex slave industries.

God says no to prisons and yes to rehabilitation facilities.

God says no to selling babies.

God says no to breeding animals for sale.

God says no to judges and yes to trained administrators of the law. There’s a difference.

God says no to all those who abuse power.

God says no to those who threaten to make a living hell for anyone for any reason.

God says no to all religions claiming to be superior to all others.

God says no to organized crime. Organized crime vs legalized crime. Crime is still crime.

God says no to tampering.

God says no to invading the privacy of others for personal gain, or for any other reason.

God says no to those who demand to know the thoughts of others. That is sacred territory.

Do what you request of the other. Make bold moves and broad strokes to transform your life, thus the lives of others. My success is not the assurance of yours. You are that.

God says no to threatening a person’s job and security and the safety of their families for their beliefs.

God says no to terrorizing anybody for any reason.

God says no to all religions that encourage hatred among religions.

God says no to playing games with weapons of mass destruction.

God says yes to eliminating all weapons of mass destruction in the entire world.  The purpose of WMD is to cause a holocaust. Those who think they’re used to prevent one, spend their time war gaming about using them, which means they’re not spending time trying to figure out problems in the absence of them. Harboring them is interpreted by all as a terror technique used to exert superiority, thus force those they’re aimed at into submission to an imperialistic power.

God says no to brow beating. Open your doors to differing views.

God says no to imprisoning people for religious and/or political beliefs.

God says yes to independence of nations, if that nation can stand on its own and eventually support itself. If independence simply means separate, whereby the world then must support this separate nation economically, that is not independence. It’s jumping from one condition of dependence to another and neither party will be happy with the arrangement.

God says no to gloating.

God says yes to the children and yes to the adults.

God is your on-site mental health professional. Use it.

Those oppressed, once liberated, must refrain from continuing the guilt they once assigned to the world. They must work to set others free, by setting the example of freedom, and not by  repeating what was done to them to somebody else.

God says yes to a no first strike policy for all nations with all other nations.

God says yes to green.

God says yes to animal-free eating.

God says no to carnivores. All carnivores will eventually become extinct. Feed your animals and yourselves a plant based diet.

God says no to all animal testing.

God says our #1 enemy is invisible: toxins and microbiological agents. Get to work.

God says no to pharmaceutical and insurance industries that profit from misery. The insurance industry does not pay for your health care–you do. Not one dime comes from their pockets, in fact, you pay to keep them wealthy. Without your money, they’d be as poor as you.

God says yes to insurance and pharmaceuticals, hospitals, clinics, operating as not for profit companies. That is the only way that everyone can receive the healthcare they need.

God says a hateful mind is a terrible thing to use.

God says no to spreading rumors.

God says the promised land is that we’re all going to die. What’s on earth belongs to all life and non-life that inhabits it.

God says there is only one war in the world–between Arab and Jew. They use other countries as pawns in their quest to one up one another. Stop it.

God says you don’t want people to think you’ve surrendered, but at the same time, you don’t want them to think they’ve surrendered to you.

God says no to those who say only God can forgive. Use the God in yourself to do it.

God says no to homelessness and to societies that allow it.

God says it takes courage to move beyond your fear. Use your fear to be courageous. Sometimes it takes courage to be fearful. Wallowing in unfounded fear paralyzes you. Fear can save your life and the life of others. Don’t be afraid of fear. Use it as the alarm it is, to neutralize the threat, perceived or real.

God says yes to love and no to mean spirited talk and actions.

God says yes to talking about someone as if they were in the room.

God says no to getting someone before you think they might get you.

Think of every work day as a working day off.

God says no to name calling.

God says yes to inclusion and no to exclusion.

God says yes to comforting those ravaged by war, famine and disease.

God says no one should have two or more homes until everybody has one.

God says no to ‘sneak and peek’ warrants. Your roof is your castle.

God says two out of three isn’t bad when in the process of change. Anything slower will not result in significant change. Significant equals power. Once you reach two out of three, don’t stop until you reach three out of three. No lingering.

God says no to voting for who you think will win an election, instead of for whom you think will do the best job. There is no freedom otherwise.

God says no to bulldozers destroying houses with people living in them, land grabbing, destroying other people’s crops and shooting children throwing rocks.

God says no to training animals to kill. That’s prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter.

God says no to walls and fences meant to starve a country into surrender.

God says no to the smuggling of humans.

God says yes to veterans in need of assistance and no to monuments when veterans remain in need. Scrap plans for war memorials and holocaust museums in all countries and invest the money in those who still suffer from fighting those wars.

When you were a child you couldn’t wait for the future. Now that you’re an adult, you live in the past. Stop the cycle and move on. I want to live as if I’m going to live forever, because I am.

God says no to taxes and tariffs that put small businesses out of business.

God says no to writers who lie in text books.

God says welcome to my broken world. It’s time to repair it.

God says no to arrogance and apathy.

God says no to eating dead or live animals.

God says no to all animal based consumer products.

God says no to gambling. The centrifugal force of intermittent reinforcement is the hardest to resist once established, and unlike other addictions it takes less than an hour to get hooked.

God says respect your body, your mind and your God connection.

God says no to hard ball.

God says yes to a plant-based animal-free diet to maintain a healthy body and mind.

God says yes to strictly animal-free diets for schools, nursing homes, hospitals and prisons.

God says that if everybody has a right to exist, then so does God.

God says any God who condones and encourages revenge is not a God you want to associate with. Any God worth your devotion knows that revenge continues the cycle of violence.

God says no to paparazzi until laws are passed to protect the hunted for profit. To paparazzi: evolve using the five principles.

God says It works through all life and non-life. It is all life and non-life.

God says to halt all sexual molestation in the home, in the churches, synagogues and mosques. Everywhere.

God says It’s going after any religion and government that does not comply with the five principles. Prepare to be exposed.

God says Jesus, Abraham and Mohammed are all in the same jam for neglecting God’s non-human creatures, and the status of half of the human race (females). They now work behind the scenes in conjunction with all those who strive to practice the five principles of no pdetas.

God says yes to all endeavors and enterprises which support the five principles of no prejudice, no discrimination, no enslavement, no torture and no slaughter: no pdetas.

God says a chef will lead the world out of darkness.

God says no to spying and eavesdropping.

Making peace requires more than forgetting the past and moving forward. It requires acknowledging the past and working in the present by reaching out to those you love–or hate.

There are no mysteries in the universe, only things we haven’t figured out yet.

God says many hesitate to quit smoking, because they’ll gain weight, when in reality there are a lot of overweight smokers in the world.

God says no to self-enslavement.

God says no to fraud.

God says no to tough love; it’s sadistic. What’s the opposite of tough love, soft love?  How about responsible love?

God says no to devil worship, because there isn’t one.

God says no to evil worship, which does exist. If your God does bad, then tame it. You have the right and the power.

God says there is life in the universe. It’s busier than Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

God says yes to literacy.

God says volunteer by taking care of those challenged in your own family.

God says stop being so selfish.

God says no to taking advantage of another’s weakness or ignorance.

God says no to domestic violence.

God says no to humiliation.

God says no to writing laws that only lawyers can understand.

God says yes to holding jurors accountable and responsible for following the courts instructions in all cases before the court.

God says yes to holding attorneys in contempt of court for lying in court and for playing on the prejudices of juries and judges. The same goes for judges.

God says yes to a two year elected official training program for all people running for public office, so that they don’t have to learn on the job, and four years for anybody running for Congress or the presidency. Political colleges.

God says no to crimes in prison.  There’s a reason why prisoners attack sexual offenders. Most prisoners were sexually molested as children and this is pay back time for them. We must not allow a crime to be resolved by committing an identical crime against another. Creating a prison system/community that most closely resembles the outside world will create the conditions needed for the highest rehabilitation rates and lowest recidivism rates.

God says if you don’t allow crimes outside of prison, then you don’t then condone crimes inside of prison. There is one standard for all of society.

God says ‘an eye for an eye’ is never justified. Vengeful people around the world made it up to satisfy those vengeful thoughts. Why do we have vengeful thoughts? In order to experience release from rage without committing the crime.

God says no to Botox. God says the pharmaceuticals lied about long term effects. Botox gets into the blood stream and attaches itself to any nerve endings it feels like attaching itself to, which includes any organ, which includes your brain. If the body develops antibodies for the Botox, which it does, then it means the Botox gets into the bloodstream. Post Polio Syndrome is the long term result.

God says no to hunting.

God says God isn’t singular.

God says we control our own Gods by making laws and rules, and we control our own Gods as we break those laws and rules.

God says no to producing and selling products known to cause illness and disease.

God says it puts the needs of the individual first as a means of making a stronger group. You can’t respect the group if you don’t respect the individuals who comprise the group.

God says no to any individual, group, government or institution that attempts to force someone into suicide.

God says no to sacrificing an individual to save the group. Talk, don’t kill.

God says no to veto power. Veto power is dictatorial and oppressive.

God says if you engage in a practice that offends the entire planet, then it’s time to revisit the foundation upon which the practice was formed and examine its usefulness now. Think evolution.

God says yes to providing paying jobs, which provide a living, to all who want and/or need to work.

God says no to compromise and yes to agreements.

God says your roof is your castle which means no one enters without your permission.

God says yes to releasing all nonviolent criminals from prison/jail after special educational courses are taken on how to function inside of the law.

God says no to three strikes and you’re out. Life is not a ball game. Prison is not a game either. Legislators too lazy to find solutions throw everybody in jail.

God says no to vengeful judges.

God says no to all nuclear weapons and nuclear powered electrical facilities. Nuclear garbage does not belong under ground or in space. Find a way to neutralize it, then stop making it.

God says no to fishing for fish.

God says eating animals is a deviant and perverse behavior pattern, which began, not out of necessity, but by cannibals thirsting to eat the blood, who set the example for others. Break that behavior pattern.

God says first you kill the animal, then the animal kills you, slowly but surely; not out of vengeance, but through disease and disorders.

God says don’t wait until you reach your goal to shine; shine all the way to it.

God says mind altering substances weaken a person’s will to do good and strengthen a person’s resolve to do bad.

How come if you’re so smart you’re not rich? Being rich has everything to do with being the best person you can be under all circumstances, and nothing to do with one’s accumulated possessions or financial portfolio.

God says to the Jews: stop saying the whole world hates you when it doesn’t. You’re projecting your own hatred on everybody not Jew.

God says we’ve got the results of a Holocaust in the meat department of every supermarket in the world.

God calls on the Jews and the world to stop it.

God says no to importing Jews from other countries to make a majority in Palestine.

You have a choice today and every day: Be happy or be sad; be happy or stay mad.

God says success breeds success when achieved in the absence of PDETAS. When adhering to the five principles sad and mad can be turned into happy, because you know you’re doing the only right thing to do.

God says teach children how to survive and function in society instead of forcing them to read great works of literature that require additional books for interpretation. If they’re so great, people will read them on their own.

God says don’t ask people personal questions that are not your business.

God says no to learning to live with terrorism.

Contrary to what others may tell you, no one needs to suffer to obtain wisdom. We’re all born with it.

God says stop looking for approval. You know if what you’re doing is right for you and everybody else.

God says stop making people feel sorry for you, when there’s nothing to feel sorry about.

It’s good to care what people think. It shows that you respect their right to their views. But when their views of you make you feel less worthy, then what they think needs to play a less important role.

God says when the world starts to come out of its depressed state it will feel anger. Neutralize that anger with hope.

God says it’s time to heal our minds. Mental health comes first. For good mental health we need our basic needs met and threats removed. No one can stay mentally well under constant threats of destruction.

God says to lose weight eat animal-free. Instead of looking at pictures of yourself fat to disgust yourself, look at pictures of yourself thinner as a positive motivating tool.

God says you can start anywhere on the continuum of no prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter and reach the same goal of respecting all life and non-life. When you stop one of the five, the others will naturally fall into place. This is not meant to be difficult.

God says people can tolerate only so much news of pain before shutting it out.

God says no to forcing a person or a country into violent provocations or responses to prove their friendship and loyalty.

God says no to forcing animals to fight for profit or for any other reason. Birds are animals.

God says take charge of every action in your life by matching your mind set to the task, then enjoyment plus success will follow.

God says take the eggs out of the fried rice–and the pork, and the fish, and the beef, and the chicken, and the cats, and the dogs and the tigers. Get the picture?

God says governments need financial advisors who know how to stretch not steal funds.

God says the reason so many military people become serial killers and terrorists is because they’ve been trained to detach from the killing. Soldiers leaving the service don’t need R&R, they need to be deprogrammed in a post boot camp for the same amount of time it took to train them. Counseling only those who ask for it isn’t enough.

God says when you convert your slaughter farms to plant farms you’ll have to test the soil for evidence of disease before using it for plants.

God says cook for your animals. Cat and dog food is loaded with toxins that harm not help them.

God says ‘It’ is not an intuition; ‘It’ is an entity.

God says that people get drawn into certain ideologies or activities through the sheer force of large numbers gravitating in the same direction. Good or bad, the process works the same way via centrifugal force. The majority is not always right.

Let go of brain baggage that hurts when you think of it. Why keep using your brain to pierce your own heart? Circles of pomegranate fragrances subtly pierce your stubborn consciousness and, if only briefly, you relax to the presence of the beat by which you want to live.

God says to the Jews: since you had the gall to tell the world you were favored above all else, I choose you to raise up all else as equally worthy. Love your neighbors worldwide.

God says stop at once all stoning and amputations as punishment. How dare you call yourselves holy.

God says stop being a hypocrite.

God says to China, stop selling poisoned food and medicines around the world. To everybody else, stop selling poisoned food and medicines around the world.

God says keep holy every day, not one day a week.

God says stop fasting for God. Your only food instruction is to stop eating animals. Yes, you can eat apples.

God says when the only hope you see is beyond life, then the world has failed you. At this juncture you must create your own hope by communing with the God in you.

God says your holy books are mostly working against you not for you.

God says when the Arabs and Jews become friends the world will follow.

God says fat is the toxic waste dump of our bodies. Not good. Get rid of it.

God says stop trying to live so long at the expense of others.

God says you have a personal responsibility to keep the promises you make to yourself when those promises benefit you and those around you.

God says no to “why me?”

God says yes to positive thoughts and actions.

God says there’s a fine line between flaw and principle and it’s your job to toe that line.

God says no to digging up the past to win an argument.

God says those who make animal-free products must expand their businesses–and keep them animal-free.

God says invest in anything animal-free.

God says no cooking the books.

God says please don’t despair.

God says analyze this: Africans have ADD (attention deficit disorder) and Jews have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Whites have delusions of grandeur and Asians are repressed. It’s time for all people to help each other psychologically.

God says everybody wants change, but the government controlled media keeps saying the opposite. You’ve been brainwashed.

God says stop eating at restaurants until restaurants serve you delicious tasting, healthy animal-free food. Don’t worry, the recipes will be provided.

God says you should want people to remember you for how much you enjoyed yourself, not for how much you suffered.

God says don’t fall victim to the insecurities of others.

God says it gives us many options, some bad. The bad ones are not meant to be picked over the good ones. They’re simply there so that we’ll see the contrast and know we’re making the right choices. The right choices don’t lead to wealth when those around you suffer for your wealth-motivated choices. Did rich people think this book was only for poor people?  This is a rich person’s guide to peace of mind–something all rich people lack. This is your medicine. This is the paradise on earth you keep striving to attain.

God says to scientists: Be courageous and stop creating disaster just because you can.

God says It’s using the Semites as an example to the rest of the world. If you’re not up to it just say so. God can go elsewhere. Respect the person who isn’t in the room.

God says the solution to all problems is to make the rules to benefit all, not merely the majority. When using the five principles of no pdetas this becomes easy. Newly developing governments need to take this into consideration before making the same policy mistakes of other democracies, that will be cumbersome to overcome once in place.

God says hindsight is a learning tool. Use it. Don’t ridicule it.

God says making demands rarely results in a positive response. Request. Politely.

God says It realizes we’re all vulnerable to making mistakes, especially since we think bad options are there to be acted on, thus God never refuses to talk to and through anyone. There is no criterion by which God will not communicate. The key is being aware of it and acting on the instruction which conforms to the five principles (no pdetas). And where you’re conflicted with your own God, argue your point.

God says friendship runs deeply between us all whether we want it to or not.

God says suffering always leads to change, but change never requires suffering. How one defines suffering is a different matter altogether. If you have ten lamps and lose one, that is not suffering.

God says the end does not justify the means. That philosophy is for intellectually lazy people and governments with torture tendencies.

God says governments are indeed made up of people, but that once formed, take on a separate  identity unfamiliar to the individual. This must end–and it will. God says don’t sit back while somebody else fights your freedom battles for you and then call them quacks for doing it.

God says once people suffer, a shadow of the suffering never leaves. The more suffering, the more the amount overshadows everything else, thus their suffering becomes the center anchor of their lives. What emanates from that foundation of suffering is what should concern us most.

Some crimes cannot be forgiven, but if we’re to advance, they must be understood.

Forcing people to publicly apologize for their opinions is a form of humiliation and control. Stop it.

If you have a rock in your hand, put it down. If a bulldozer is tearing down your home, a rock won’t stop it, and your death is not worth it.

God says to the Jews and the Blacks, stop pushing the holocaust and slavery down everybody’s throats. Turn your energies to stopping the holocausts and slavery going on right now. Clean your own houses.

God says to the Jews: if you want to be separate then why do you infiltrate? Stop sneaking around underground and others will stop treating you like you belong in a sewer.

God says many peoples throughout history aspired to rule the world through conquering it and many succeeded–for a while. All however, eventually failed. Why? Because they ruled by force not by agreement. Or, they ruled by forced agreement.

God says cells and colonies are equal.

God says one state cannot force another to evolve; it must be done from within, not through incitement by outside sources (CIA).

God says eliminate all painful holding patterns.

God says war mongers don’t understand principles of peace, otherwise they wouldn’t go to war.

God says religions are destroying the world by impeding progress. Religions will form their foundations from no pdetas or will become extinct along with the carnivores.

God says you’re not thinking things through. You don’t go out and kill all the carnivores. Why? Because that’s slaughter.

God says yes to resisting enslavement, torture and slaughter. God says don’t badger people into answering questions the way you want them answered. You want the truth don’t you?

God says talk to the deceased. They’re available to help you from beyond. Actually, they’re right beside you. Lots of them.

God says stop wanting and needing to be rich. You don’t deserve any more than anybody else.

God says yes to being happy. We are not on earth to suffer.

God says no to high interest rates. Period.

God says to all churches: open your doors to everyone. Private God clubs are not part of God’s plan.

God says no to hurtful gossip.

Loving yourself doesn’t mean that you always come first.

God says no to police brutality.

God says no to stealing from charities.

God says no to paying summer jobs for rich children to teach them how the other 90% of the world lives. Those jobs are needed for those who are poor. Volunteer instead. Work for free, like you make those less rich do for you.

God says stop building on flood plains.

God says be frugal with yourself and generous with others. And sometimes be generous with yourself.

God says no to superiority. Turn your own light switches off.

God says preach what you know to be right even if you don’t yet practice it.

God says taking steps is futile, because you can go up and down. Agreements are the only way to progress, because there’s no backtracking room.

God says there’s no time to wait for science. All scientists are corrupt. They have no morality until after the fact of destruction when it’s too late.

God says morality and conscience rule.

God says no to setting people up for any reason or for any kind of gain.

God says all life and non-life are gifted.

God says no to war.

God says yes to the ‘animal’ rights advocates and activists; please continue (‘animals’ include humans), in the absence of prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter.

God says no to laboratories that fix results of tests. Every laboratory in the world does it with impunity. It’s time to get honest and stay honest, before your lack of it blows up in your faces.

God says to all nations: Clean your water, your food, your air and your living and working spaces.

God says no to murder.

Discipline is the key to all success–not necessarily good success; so direct your discipline in a positive direction.

Because you want something to be doesn’t make it so.

God says to the Asians: Applaud your accomplishments and the accomplishments of others with sincerity. Why would you think that because someone thinks they’re special, that they think everybody else isn’t?

It’s not the color of a person’s skin that one finds objectionable, but the behaviors one doesn’t understand that create fear (of the unknown). When you don’t like what someone does, it’s easy and common to point to a distinguishing feature as the culprit.

God says if an action is going to cause suffering to anyone, then don’t do it.

God says no to any government holding anyone secretly in captivity. Absolute power equals absolute corruption.

God says let the eclectic politician emerge: one who takes the best from all parties, representing everyone, not just one party or one ideology, or special interests with the money, thus the power to influence.

God says poor people do not engage in covert wars, rich people do that. Then the rich make the poor fight those wars.

Humans say life isn’t fair. God says life needs to be fair in order to promote and maintain peace.

God says ignorance of the law should be a valid defense, when you consider the millions of laws: local, county, state, federal that require a lawyer to interpret them. Whoever came up with ignorance of the law not being a valid defense did not think it through to the future.

God says to those divorced: Years never lost, never wasted.

God says there’s always more than one reason for doing something.

God says no one ever takes a first step in the world, nor do they ever take a last step.

God says be careful what you call self defense. Others will copy you and get you before you get them.

God says get yourself a new mantra: I can do it. I know I can do it.

God says governments had better know that when they’re in crisis, their friend is not big business, because they’ll take the money and run. Their friend is the populace.

God says going veggie is going with God. Further, anyone who eats a vegetable is a vegetarian, which means we’re all vegetarians. Now, go animal-free.

God says use the sun and wind for energy. Why not use what’s already there, and doesn’t need to be pumped from the earth?

God says treat people with sincere not feigned dignity.

God says holding countries under threat of punishment breeds terrorism.

God says the world needs a common international language and a common international currency.

God says prepare yourself to reform and perform.

God says some people think that performing a menial job gives them the license to be sloppy. Do all work well. Every job done well has something valuable to teach you that will benefit other parts of your life.

God says black parents and leaders need to teach their black children sensitivity toward whites. Prejudice and discrimination are rampant in the black community.

God says just because most males exhibit a particular behavior that women find objectionable doesn’t make it genetic.

God says Alzheimer’s disease has nothing to do with one’s intellectual ability or their test scores or their extra curricular activities in their youth. Start over. You’re not even warm.  All questions are answered.

God says it’s absurd to eat the bacon from the pig, then take the pig’s heart when the human heart fails because of the bacon the human ate. Think before you eat.

God is power, raw power. How you use that power is to some extent your choice. Although you’re programmed to use it to survive, while respecting the survival rights of others, there is no alternative or opposing power to make sure that you do–except you.

God says people will do humiliating things in order to achieve the peace that drugs promise (only for a short while), till the intensity for the drug supersedes the intensity of the drug, and a true condition of self-enslavement occurs.

God says if you don’t spend money, you’ll worry less about not having it.

God says to those who use the fact that Jesus drank as an excuse for them to drink: Jesus wouldn’t have put himself in a position to be crucified if he had been sober. Jesus offered his life as the last human sacrifice, to teach his people to stop sacrificing people at the altar to obtain favors from God. Bread and wine you will offer instead of body and blood. He could have found a better way to make the same point. He fought violence with violence–his own. It just might be time to start turning wine into water. There will be no sacrificial offerings to any God.

God’s forgotten children? That’s how you describe the homeless, physically and brain challenged, the diseased and starving children? They are not forgotten by God; they’re forgotten by your God.

God says don’t poison your day with other people’s venom communicated via the television, radio, magazines, newspapers, advertisements, books.

God says woe is the world that brainwashes its people into apathy. For when the need arises to act, everyone remains silent, as conditioned. Unease springs us into action.

God says years ago the word of the day was that people were more similar than different. Everyone accepted that premise, so much so, that stereotypes (that which makes a group different from another group) became obsolete, leading to the concept of political correctness. Simultaneously we were told to celebrate peoples’ differences, but nobody told us what those differences were. Now that the world is exploding with terrorism–of every type–it’s time to recognize those differences and learn from them.

God says hiding your nationality through ‘ethnic blending’ is not necessarily a good idea nor a survival advantage, if you maintain underground networks as a result.

God says who, unless they’ve been brainwashed by the slaughter industries, would continue to eat diseased and toxin-ridden eggs, animals and fish? When you hard boil your eggs to kill the salmonella in them, you’ve been brainwashed into eating something you shouldn’t be eating. If vegetables harbor salmonella, then processing farms are washing them with contaminated water.

God says we must protect our activists, not punish them through harassment and containment, with the purpose of prohibiting their ideas from reaching the populace. If left out there long enough, the ideas will either be accepted by the populace or rejected, which is how it should be in an evolutionary democracy. Stale ideas (those which are not embraced) simply fade away–on their own, maybe to gain popularity at some other time, when the world is ready. Governments need to give the people more say in what they accept and reject, rather than trying to make those decisions for them by keeping new views out of their reach. Without new ideas we would all be perpetually stuck in the status quo, never to progress.

God says just because somebody doesn’t like something, doesn’t mean it isn’t any good. And, just because somebody doesn’t like you doesn’t mean you’re not likable.

God says when you eat all the cows and all the pigs and all the chickens, your taste for flesh will not abate until you eat your own and then it’s too late.

God says use humor in your life, but not at the expense of someone else, or even yourself when it means poking fun at something about yourself or others that cannot be changed: race, color, gender, heritage, affliction, social or economic status, etc.

God says sticks and stones can break your bones, but names can also hurt you.

God says we have no right to enslave animals to study them, any more than we have a right to enslave humans to study them. We do both with impunity. Stop it.

Religious preachers say, know God through Jesus Christ. I say, know God through yourself. God reaches you through the God in you. When you recognize the God in you, you’ll recognize it in others–all others. If you don’t recognize it in all others, then you’re not recognizing the God in yourself either.

God says no human has a right to take another’s gift, nor to prevent another from using their gift.

God says ‘before you remove a splinter in someone else’s eye, remove the plank from your own’, connotes that your prejudices are larger than your neighbor’s. Though that may be true, it isn’t always true. You can indeed point out a prejudice in another before you recognize your own, and also if you already recognize your own.

So, why do some people cling to the Old Testament and deny the new? God says the Old Testament condones revenge, punishment, and reward through greed. The New Testament is about forgiveness, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, visiting the imprisoned. It really has nothing to do with what is historically accurate. It’s more difficult to do the later than the former. Revenge gets a stronger grip on us than does love, because it’s difficult to love those who offend you. Any one of us could sit down and write stories about our life and the lessons we’ve learned, and each person within the story would write a different version of it.

God says no one person has a monopoly on knowing what’s right and what’s wrong. Only the God in us knows that. The true test of right and wrong is not putting yourself in the other person’s position, but stripping yourself of all prejudice and selfishness in any given situation you’re examining.

God says don’t look for quick answers to complex questions.

Back to the plank: Assume we all have planks. We blame God when something bad happens, but give ourselves praise when something good comes our way. People who don’t rely on God have a misperception of what God is. They’re  defining God by someone else’s standards. Such people perceive such reliance as weak, when in fact, it is quite liberating. Imagine being able to turn all your concerns over to God, and to trust that God is always with you, supporting you, no matter what happens–good or bad, and working with you in a team effort to solve or resolve all of your issues.

Every creature has it’s own special relationship with God. A common thread, however, is God’s special concern for all creatures. That thread is the God-force itself sown into all life and non-life by a sower larger and smaller than any human could ever fathom. God is the closest friend you’ll ever have, and someone with whom you can talk in total privacy–unless tortured and given bean-spilling drugs. Even then, God will scramble that which no person has a right to hear. God will never abandon you. Though others may want that to happen, for whatever reason, it simply cannot happen. Not all things are possible.

God says the people most comfortable in life are those who collectively follow a set of rules that they don’t question, regardless of the rightness or wrongness of those rules. To question makes one uncomfortable, but then courage rarely feels good.

God says stop trying to interpret someone else’s experiences. Interpretations by someone else are never correct, and certainly never complete.

God says when you look into my eyes and see God, you’re seeing you. When you look into my eyes and see evil, you’re also seeing you. We all are reflections of each other as much as we like to think otherwise. We must keep striving, striving, striving–to be better people, not only for our sake, but for the sake of all life and non-life.

God says in public life, or in policy making, there are people who support, and people who get supported. Each role is different, but equally important and necessary. Although one person cannot do both at the same time (or can they?), they can change roles depending upon the circumstance.

God says It does not criticize a religion or its belief structures unless it supports, condones or fosters prejudice and discrimination which leads to enslavement, torture or slaughter.

God says people want to put a face on God. All you need do is look in the mirror to see me. If you are blind, then see me through your mind’s eye, while you stroke your cheek.

Look for the wonderment of the child in you, and do as the child says, not as the world does.

God says a spirit cannot be broken, only the will breaks. The spirit is unflappable, never wears out and is comprised of properties which exist forever, in one form or another.

I would not want anyone to suffer or to sacrifice as I have. I would not suggest my life to anyone. But I can suggest the way I live the life I’ve been given. When you read that someone claims to have been isolated, their life disrupted, degraded and destroyed by any government agency, believe them. They tell you only the tip of the iceberg. Were it known the extent that governments go, to harass individuals who don’t support the mainstream philosophy of a country, it would chill your already aching bones.  The world needs independent thinkers, as well as those who have the courage to suffer humiliation by governments for their visions of a better world. If we destroy the visionaries, progress toward a freer world for all would collapse.

God says don’t cry for your own freedom, then when you get it, deny the freedom of others. Conversely, once you have your freedom, don’t spend the rest of your life bringing the world to it’s knees for past grievances; rise above it and raise others up, who like you, cry for that which you once cried.

God says nobody owns a word, a color or an animal. As words and colors are free, so should be the animals who roam the earth.

Don’t tell me how beautiful I am as you persecute me. Don’t tell me how nice I am while you crucify me. Don’t remind me of my compassion as you kill my children.

God says we can teach our children non-violence by being non-violent adults. In writing, singing, movies, television, news broadcasts and video games we need to stop assigning violent words to non-violent acts (and I’m as guilty as anyone on this one).

By assigning violent, descriptive words to non-violent events, our children won’t be able to discern real violence from non-violence.

God says pray for your public officials as you pray for your family. Then, let them know that you count on them to care for you as they would their own families, given their position of power over you. That’s what they’re elected or appointed to do, whether they see their role in those terms or not. They, who influence your destiny more than your own family, need support and guidance in handling your affairs.

God says it has as many faces as there are forms of life and non-life. For individual purpose you can assign whatever face you want to God. If you want a man, woman, child, great spirit, or don’t want to put a face on It at all, that’s fine with God. But, collectively, God is no more a man than all humankind is male.

Re: Artists: For a work of art to be enjoyed, the artist or messenger must not be considered. The art is the message, and means whatever you want it to mean. As beauty is in the eyes of those who behold it, so is art to be interpreted and enjoyed from the perspective of the eyes that view it. God’s art always has a loving message, a positive foundation, though direct, which might appear hard, thus angry. Existing books on religion need to be interpreted in the same way–individuals applying the words they read to their individual lives. One religious leader cannot tell all others how to interpret a written word that was written years ago, any more than an artist can tell one who views the art how to interpret the art. The messages don’t mean the same thing to all people. The families in the holy hooks could be any family. Regarding these books, again, if the message stems from prejudice, discrimination, or results in the enslavement, torture and slaughter of any creature, then it is a misguided instruction. Just because a story is written as it occurred, doesn’t mean that you should follow in the same path. 

God says It is not going to say what is popular or what fits the times by bending to humans’ fear of change. God’s goals are much loftier than popularity or what is presently deemed acceptable as a vision for the future based on flawed foundations.

God says when the laws of a nation determine the fate of a person or a country there is absolutely no room for the fickle folly of private interest. Every human and every other animal is controlled by some country or government. Every square foot of land, ocean and air is controlled through either direct or indirect means by either an individual or country or government.

The bible or any other holy book and all religions seek to control the behavior of humans and their behavior toward each other, their families, their governments, other animals, land, air and space and ultimately God. In light of all this control, it is our duty as creatures of God and citizens of the world to question and criticize those who control us, and the practices they use–written, spoken or through threat of punishment–which result in the enslavement, torture and slaughter of any being or the oppression of those challenged by handicap prejudice and discrimination.

God says you do not have to forgive an institution. It is individuals that need to be forgiven. Since it is institutions that make an individual do what they do, you need to work to change institutions. Pope John Paul was correct in referring to individuals needing forgiving, but wrong in not pointing out that the institution is what made these individuals commit atrocities or turn their heads to the same. Institutions need to change and individuals need to be forgiven.

Walking The Talk: If you’re not feeling the discomfort of the talk, you’re only talking the talk. Walking the talk is what brings results. Results mean change, and change creates discomfort in the beginning.  To walk the talk requires that you open yourself up to all of it: the intellectual, emotional, and the suffering that results from many times walking the talk alone–until others catch up.

God says no lone human or other animal or in the future an entity from elsewhere in the universe is sent to save the world we now live in. God would never put that burden on the shoulders of any one being. We are all sent to do our part in making this particular planet the garden paradise it was meant to be for all–not for a select few individuals, nor for a select few species, nor for a select few nations.

God says governments and people who control through terror, sanctions and violence do so at the price of freedom. The USA sees the world through Israeli eyes and that will be their fatal flaw and ultimate downfall. Any country that fails to see the world through their own eyes, while depending solely on the eyes of another is doomed to make the mistakes of the host country in absence of a plan to remedy those mistakes. God says war is a deviancy, which supports hypocrisy.

God says if humans are the social animals the experts tell the world we are, then why the need for artificial social lubricants in order to socially engage with one another?

God says all is not fair in love and war.

God says hypocrisy is what’s killing us.

God says women who insist on keeping their girlish figures and the men who demand it, fear the power of the developing woman, that by nature would otherwise emerge.

God says if a government is not loyal to it’s own people, then the government, any government, has no right to expect loyalty from it’s people. Patriotism works both ways.

God says when you praise Allah or give credit to God for the good deeds you perform in it’s name, others regard it as perfectly normal. Yet when you claim that God directs you to perform an act others think to be evil, you’re considered insane, not for committing the act, but for thinking that God instructed you to do it. And, you’re right, because a good God would never instruct you to commit an evil act. But, a good God gone bad would. So, when militaries or militias claim that God instructed them to commit murder against another, they need to differentiate which God they’re talking about. That they thought that instruction was coming from a good God is indeed insane.

How many times must I lose? As many times as it takes to win.

God says the foundation is everything. One cannot build anything without one. If the foundation is lacking or incomplete, so will be that which is built on that incomplete foundation. When rebuilding war torn societies, focus on the positive aspects of all areas under consideration for development, and build on those features which promote life, health, well-being and prosperity in those sectors. Too often we focus on rooting out or covering up the negative aspects within society’s sectors, and by doing so the negative expands to other sectors and becomes more intensely negative. Focus on the positive, and the negative will be transformed into positive.

God says if you’re having difficulty understanding these words, then you’ve been reading too long.

God says treat yourself with the same respect you want others to treat you.

God says many countries adopt as policy when handling warring factions, the premise that eventually the factions will tire of the bloodshed and loss of well-being, and on their own will turn to less violent forms of conflict resolution. By taking this approach, many lives are brutally torn apart in the meanwhile, leaving victims whose emotional wounds will fester for the remainder of their lives, passing on to their children and grandchildren their frustration, anger and hatred, sowing seeds of malcontent into youthful minds ready at a moment’s notice to organize a rebellion to please Mom and Dad or Grandpa and Grandma, who because of subjugation, never gained the dignity or respect they craved throughout their lifetime–because of policies based on premises founded on nothing more than sheer laziness and the lack of will to solve a problem more effectively, before a country and its people hit rock bottom. Trust that even when enslaved, a person, because of their own personal God, rises above that enslavement, in their own mind and in their own way. If not, the enslavers would always win–and they don’t.

Infantry. Derived from the word infant, meaning very young person. Thus, an infantry is comprised of very young persons used as foot soldiers to kill the opposing very young persons used as foot soldiers. God says using children to fight wars is akin to infanticide, committed against one’s own and against one’s opponent. Using children to fight wars is akin to using children in pornography, as sex slaves and as a mandatory child labor force. Old men using young boys to fight wars is perverse. Stop it.

God says after suffering the violent death of a loved one, we often look for the good that came out of it. We look for a silver lining, something that validates that this person did not die in vain. However, to stop the inevitable need for vengeance that will arise from that violent death, no matter how much good we see happening as a result of that death, at some point–when we are strong enough–we must drop the good that we  attributed as coming from it, see only the bad, and realize that more evil will not produce more good, but indeed will produce more evil. That, and only that, will satisfy us in the long run.

Once we get to that point, then we can get to that point again, until the cycle of violence and vengeance is broken. If we don’t, we will continue to live a life of perversity where good is perceived as emanating from evil, thereby justifying and perpetuating the evil act, ultimately raising it up as good until such point that it is no longer considered evil.

God says the best way to mourn the loss of a loved one is in any way that honors your own life. That will make them happy to see you happy. Your loved ones who have passed to the other side, do not want you perpetually pining for them. They are with you; you just can’t see them. They want you to move on, and they’re helping you with every little thing you need help with. They love to see you laugh, and yes, play with them in your thoughts, your God to their God. They love that! Watch for their signs; they’re dancing for you!

God says no bomb is civilized and no country or individual that uses the bomb is civilized.

God says the burden of peaceful resolution is on the shoulders of those who wrote the books as an example for the rest of the world to follow.  Whoever creates the conflict is obliged to resolve it–peacefully.

God says trivializing atrocities is not the road to peace, but an instigator to further violence. The United States wants to call their killing of civilians collateral damage, yet when other countries kill their  civilians they call it murder.

God’s Formula For Success: I will judge everything I do based on its degree of helpfulness vs. its degree of hindrance. If something helps, keep it; if it hinders, let it go. Don’t even think about looking for loopholes.

To the editors of the world: if you wanna write a book, write one; don’t try to rewrite mine. My God is my editor.  Your God is yours.

God says without compassion you become dangerous.

God says the masses have become as corrupt as their leaders. It’s that ‘example’ thing.

God says you don’t need permission to be happy.

God says you don’t need permission to feel free.

God says enjoy your family, your work, your play, yourself.

God says the foundation of the planet needs to be based on the five principles to a better life.

This book is a section in WAKING UP THE PLANET.

A different slant on the news, a different slant on life, a different slant on the world as we once knew it, as we currently know it and as we will come to know it – that’s what Word Warrior Davies-Tight is all about.

Spreading a message of hope through change around the globe.

Self-written, self-edited, self-published.

One view matters. A multitude of views matter. If we all had the same views we’d be called robots. Learning comes from sharing those views unencumbered.

Thank you for donating to the continued success of Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, artist, author, animal-free chef and activist, ARCHITECT OF 5 PRINCIPLES TO A BETTER LIFE™ and MAINSTREAM ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE™.

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