Tell The World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is

Three American soldiers killed in Jordon by militia supporting Palestine. The USA president vows revenge – like he already isn’t bombing the hell out of Palestine. Any excuse for a war, proves the hypocrisy of the USA government.  Now we’re going to start a war with Jordan, because the militia and friends decided it’s timeContinueContinue reading “Tell The World What Your Beautiful Vision For Palestine Is”

Tell The Truth

Do you know how many white people died or sacrificed everything but their lives to help black Africans gain their freedom from slavery and then supported their efforts to achieve equality? Too many to count? Yet nowhere during black history month is their sacrifice acknowledged.  Now that is an ungrateful demographic of people who areContinueContinue reading “Tell The Truth”

Ending Illegal Occupation Now Will End The Holocaust Occupying any peoples on any lands for the purpose of exterminating them is illegal by anyone’s standards. What are you waiting for?

A. Blinken Targeted Palestinian Children for B. Netanyahu’s Famous Furnace

Laughing Israleis. ISIS inspired. Bomb tunnels where children hide. sldt. __ Those bombs holocausting children in Gaza, Palestine are not made in Iran; they’re made in the good ole’ USA. “Let’s Make America Great Again”? By holocausting ten thousand innocent children in 100 days in the Land of Palestine, to make way for Jewish children?ContinueContinue reading “A. Blinken Targeted Palestinian Children for B. Netanyahu’s Famous Furnace”

Something Needs Saying

Birth Of A Seed Get to the point. The trans people – some considering – just a fancy day dream – suicide belt, that only blows themself up and doesn’t hurt anybody else? You’re anybody, so you can’t do that, you don’t qualify under your own rule. For this reason I need to keep myContinueContinue reading “Something Needs Saying”

Palestine Is The Lithuania Of The Middle East

Palestinians endure like Russians, but soft like Lithuanian when not enslaved, tortured and slaughtered. They’re meeker by nature than most, but like any caged animal will act commensurate with the pressure applied by their torturers, in this case, the Jews worldwide wanting Palestinian land to increase their population numbers via inbreeding farms in the centerContinueContinue reading “Palestine Is The Lithuania Of The Middle East”

Holocast In Progress

What’s wrong that can be fixed? Warming Up. Cooling Down. __ JEWS SURVIVING AND THRIVING ON THE LAND OF PALESTINE intentionally provoked the Palestinians, like was done to the Tempe Warriors of Australia by companies wanting their trees, then taking them by peeling their forests bare. That’s essentially what the USA and Europe allowed the JewsContinueContinue reading “Holocast In Progress”

Borders Immigrants Inbreeding Eradication

Borders And Eradication The only thing the Jews wanted was the land absent the occupants. The more aggressive Palestinians they corralled into GAZA where the plan was to annihilate them. Seal the borders and kill them all. Then they would have accomplished the beginning, the cornerstone of their Mid-East vision for their interpretation of ISRAEL.ContinueContinue reading “Borders Immigrants Inbreeding Eradication”

Israeli Jews Prepare Themselves For A Feast

 TO CURE THE OCCUPATION Eat the enemy? Israeli Jews Prepare Themselves For A Feast – A Palestinian Flesh Orgy I’m wearing my British now. Why wouldn’t I when they’re the biggest occupiers on the Planet – of all time. And I’m part British. They won’t solve the Peanut Butter & Jelly issue, because it wouldContinueContinue reading “Israeli Jews Prepare Themselves For A Feast”

Jared Kushner Adds The USA As An Occupier Of Palestine

Jared Kusher was given three years to come up with a plan, that the Palestinians didn’t see until it was released to the world. Let’s refresh some recent history. Mahmoud Abbas was given two weeks to counter the proposal with his own resolution, which was (unofficially) rejected by the United Nations body. He now hasContinueContinue reading “Jared Kushner Adds The USA As An Occupier Of Palestine”

Joseph Biden Finances Holocaust Against Indigenous People – Palestinians

The whole world should know that if Israeli settlers come into your town and steal your property and take control of your family and neighbors, services, and food supply with bombs, that when you fight back for your property and liberty, the USA will call you terrorists. How could you not figure out that IsraelContinueContinue reading “Joseph Biden Finances Holocaust Against Indigenous People – Palestinians”

The Perversity of Brits

The Perversity of Brits When I lived in Hawaii I saw the news one night where this police officer comes on T.V. and talks about a rape victim. A tourist. Officials often blame the tourist for going too far off the tourist path thinking they’ll be safe. Why? Because it’s Hawaii.  Stay in Waikiki. GuessContinueContinue reading “The Perversity of Brits”

Sticks Stones And Names

Sticks Stones And Names “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me.”  Remember that? Said by parents to children crying over being called names? Well guess what? Names do hurt. Names are not only libelous and slanderous, they cut to the quick whether true or not. It’s the manner inContinueContinue reading “Sticks Stones And Names”

Women’s Rights And Muslims

The more Muslims coming to America to live, the more America reverts to its own ugly past of separating men and women. Wake up Muslims. Ownership of mothers, wives, daughters and other women does not come with an American citizenship.

The Pfizer Sores Came Back one year almost to the day


Britain votes to secede from the European Union after sixty years of a tumultuous partnership – did you forget something?

BREXIT – Britain votes to secede from the European Union after sixty years of a tumultuous partnership. a reprint and update To member states of the current European Union – to the world. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s, be organized, efficient and kind. This didn’t happen in a vacuum. Everybody saw the handwritingContinueContinue reading “Britain votes to secede from the European Union after sixty years of a tumultuous partnership – did you forget something?”

The Kirby Manor Invasions Part 3

Steve and police officer badge # 758 left the apartment at Steve’s suggestion to go talk to the Kirby Manor office, since they had made no effort to contact him regarding the forcible entry to install an anti-incendiary device with a service dog home alone, and since a strange, unknown man approached us after hours,ContinueContinue reading “The Kirby Manor Invasions Part 3”

The Kirby Invasions Part 1

“DON’T LET THEM IN THE BUILDING” How about if they’re not a familiar employee, lacking proper indentification and are acting erratic after business hours?   This flyer was installed many times by Kirby Manor staff and many times it was removed by people engaged in illegal activities, so seniors would let them in the building. ContinueContinue reading “The Kirby Invasions Part 1”

Kirby Manor Invasions Part 2

Sharon & Stephen Davies-Tight Kirby Manor 11500 Detroit Avenue Apt. 707 Cleveland, Ohio 441102 NOTICE OF CEASE & DESIST March 26, 2023 Mark Ricketts President & Chief Executive Officer National Church Residences 2335 North Bank Drive Columbus, Ohio 43220 To Mark Ricketts, and/or to Whom Else It Concerns: On Wednesday, 15 March 2023 we bothContinueContinue reading “Kirby Manor Invasions Part 2”

Is Your God A Serial Killer?

IS YOUR GOD A SERIAL KILLER? I think God is a serial killer. It creates life for the purpose of killing it. God in other words raises us for slaughter, so does it come as a surprise to anyone that we, the grand copiers of all species, do the same with animals we deem beneathContinueContinue reading “Is Your God A Serial Killer?”

They Torture Animals Don’t They?

“Every torturer knows that humans are animals.”~ Sharon Lee Davies-Tight Everybody who works at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation has the same name for liability purposes: The Cleveland Clinic Foundation CCF TORTURES PATIENTS With Impunity I just witnessed the most horrible verbal and threatening abuse of a patient who was just moved out of ICU to anotherContinueContinue reading “They Torture Animals Don’t They?”

Ukraine Is Russia’s Bay Of Pigs

Ukraine is Russia’s Bay Of Pigs. Russia is doing exactly what the USA would have done if Russia hadn’t backed away from Cuba in the 1962 missile crisis. Russia cares nothing about Ukraine, except that they’re cousins with a long history in the Soviet Union. Russia doesn’t want the USA on its border, which isContinueContinue reading “Ukraine Is Russia’s Bay Of Pigs”

Free Press – A Strategy

Some people are using racial, ethnic and gender slurs to get free press. “Any press is good press”. Keeps the person’s name current. It’s so funny to see all these people apologizing in public just to keep their names in lights. Most of the people whose careers were ruined for saying or doing something unsavoryContinueContinue reading “Free Press – A Strategy”


aka PLACEHOLDER Jewish is an adjective. Jew is a noun. Get used to it. Enter that into your next round of dictionary and word usage books, which you compile and publish for everybody else, with an acceptable usage designation. Contact McGraw Hill and Simon & Schuster. “Who does she think she is, talking to us like that?”ContinueContinue reading “BY DESIGN”

Black and White African

Black And White African To be considered African you need to be Black. Even though you and your family were born and raised in Africa, if you are white, you don’t belong. Black equals African. Nobody I know of refers to white peoples born and bred in Africa as Africans. In the USA if you’reContinueContinue reading “Black and White African”

The Gloves Are Coming Off

THE GLOVES ARE COMING OFF Consider the saying ‘the gloves are coming off’. It’s a fighting term from boxing. When the gloves come off and bare fists are used for striking the opponent the dirty, bloodier fighting begins. Although historically, traditionally and currently that was and is the meaning, it doesn’t have to stay thatContinueContinue reading “The Gloves Are Coming Off”


LAYING DOWN THE LAW by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight This is what myGod says, for now. What does your God say? MyGod’s Bulletin Make peace. Put down the bomb. Everybody in every region where you are bombing stop. The preconditions are what kill us. The egos, the maniacs. Let them figure it out. The world isContinueContinue reading “QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED”

The world just witnessed something ugly come out of the mouths of NATO

The world just witnessed something ugly come out of the mouths of NATO countries. Now that President Putin has signed decrees recognizing the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic thereby recommending their independence and sovereignty, this would be a great opportunity for Israel to do the same with Palestine – end the occupation, letContinueContinue reading “The world just witnessed something ugly come out of the mouths of NATO”

Copycats And Russia Ukraine Train Bound For Where?

The world looks down on copycats. Frowns and groans and finger points, accuses, bares teeth, pounds fists, thumps chests. You copycatted me. Such is life bro’. Flip it. If it weren’t for copycats we, the Universe, would not exist. I’m not talking copyright here. Putting your name on somebody else’s exclusive creation is not copycatting;ContinueContinue reading “Copycats And Russia Ukraine Train Bound For Where?”

Inbreeders Race Or Not

Inbreeders Race Or Not Jews aren’t a race. Mormons and Quakers and Seventh Day Adventists aren’t either.  Just because a group wants to remain separate from all other groups doesn’t automatically make them a race. Jews can’t figure out where they’re from. Why? Because they have a need to conform the truth to their interests,ContinueContinue reading “Inbreeders Race Or Not”

Color Blind vs Culture Blind

Color Blind vs Culture Blind Is color blind the same as being culture blind? Is culture blind the same as being color blind? Being blind to culture is the same as being blind to behavior. Being blind to color is the same as being blind to behavior. Being human, that blindness based on color orContinueContinue reading “Color Blind vs Culture Blind”

Evolutionary Sequences

Originally posted on FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS OF SHARON™ new site:
EVOLUTIONARY SEQUENCES Evolutionary Stages: Don’t Let The Boring Title Fool You Watch Out That You Don’t Evolve In the Wrong Direction. We don’t all evolve at the same rate, pace or in the same way or time. Different regions don’t necessarily go through the same…

Laws Need To Apply To All Equally, otherwise call it discrimination

• Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis signs bill that can penalize tech companies for deplatforming politicians (banning them from social media). Does that mean only politicians? So politicians can’t be deplatformed, but everybody else can? How does that help ‘everyday Floridians? Freedom speech rights need to apply to all people living within the USA borders,ContinueContinue reading “Laws Need To Apply To All Equally, otherwise call it discrimination”

Death Penalty Deterrent?

Death Penalty Deterrent For those who will kill anyway, the death penalty is not a deterrent. For those who wouldn’t kill anyway, the death penalty as a deterrent is irrelevant. The death penalty is null and void, no matter how one looks at it. As a revenge tool for the family of the one murdered,ContinueContinue reading “Death Penalty Deterrent?”

Before During After

BEFORE DURING AFTER When religious clerics and leaders dictate to the congregation the words to say to God, that’s prejudice, discrimination and enslavement. When the requirements of a religion dictate the design of the prayer and tell everybody to say it for their salvation and the salvation of their families, that’s extortion. Religions use YOUContinueContinue reading “Before During After”

Chinese vs Brits

Chinese vs Brits Ever wonder why people say Chinese are bad drivers? Because they are. After watching the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics hosted by the Chinese and marveling at the synchrony of the massive numbers of performers in the pregame show welcoming the world, one might think their innate precision skills would makeContinueContinue reading “Chinese vs Brits”

Animal Nature Doesn’t Mean Violent

Animal Nature Getting in touch with my ANIMAL NATURE doesn’t mean getting in touch with my violent self. Why do people automatically assume that animal means vicious, violent, fierce or war-ready? Violence in all animals is only one trait of action in their repertoire of behaviors. Humans seem to think they’re the only animal whoContinueContinue reading “Animal Nature Doesn’t Mean Violent”

Voting Blind

VOTING BLIND Ballots need to be made available on-line so we can study and understand what we’re voting for before we actually vote.  Propositions, levies for or against are too complicated to study at the voting booth. Too many loopholes in the description, too many implications to consider after reading the actual proposal, too muchContinueContinue reading “Voting Blind”

A Prison Break A Bombing

“Israel strikes Gaza as Palestinians celebrate prison break” Sharon Lee Davies-Tight 8 September 2021 What country in the world bombs another country’s military site in response to a prison break? No one would even consider it. Jews are just looking for reasons to bomb and nobody has the will to stop them. Palestine has a militaryContinueContinue reading “A Prison Break A Bombing”

Animalia That’s You

ANIMALIA THATSA YOU If all your actions are contingent on somebody else’s actions, then you don’t have power over yourself; they do. I get it. People look at you weird, like you’re not as good as they are, like you’re beneath them, like you’re not one of them; they reference you like you’re an alienContinueContinue reading “Animalia That’s You”

We All Share The Intelligence Gene

We All Share The Intelligence Gene The least smart among humans are actually really smart. Really smart in many ways. Conversely, the smartest among humans are actually really ignorant. Really ignorant in many ways. Who would believe it? That’s the genius of intelligence. This assessment does not include those at either end of the intelligenceContinueContinue reading “We All Share The Intelligence Gene”


As A Group Jews are the biggest haters on the planet. Disproportionate response is the world consensus every time someone or country or group goes against their grain or interferes with their plans short and long term, which means they as a group are in a perpetual state of Disproportionate Response (DR). The world expressesContinueContinue reading “AS A GROUP”


Jesus Was The Sacrificial Lamb? Or so the Christians believe. Why? Because it was written and Jesus decided to fulfill the prophecy. And God, their God, didn’t stop him. Or so the story goes. So God essentially killed a human (Jesus) by not stopping the crucifixion, like humans kill the lamb – a gift toContinueContinue reading “JESUS WAS THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB OF WHICH GOD?”

Mother Nature, Where’s Dad?

Is earth really a single parent home? Animals are part of nature. Since humans are animals, then humans are part of nature too. What’s all this ‘mother’ talk, like mother nature, the queen of all nature takes care of it all? Where’s the father in all this? What are his jobs? Frankly, I think afterContinueContinue reading “Mother Nature, Where’s Dad?”

Jews Arabs And Hate

I never heard of an Arab calling anybody anti-Semitic. Yet, they’re Semitic. Jews do it all the time. Say anything about a Jew and they’re all over the media using all their contacts to name-call the person who dared speak of them, anti-Semitic. They ruin their businesses over it. Yet, Semitic includes both Arab andContinueContinue reading “Jews Arabs And Hate”

Keeping The Hate Alive

KEEPING THE HATE ALIVE When parents don’t want their children to forget, it’s to make sure they keep taking revenge on their behalf long after their parents are gone. Through their children they do that. They exploit their own babies forcing their hate onto them, so they can die in peace knowing their hate willContinueContinue reading “Keeping The Hate Alive”

Diversity Can Help Or Hinder

Too much diversity causes chaos among groups. Too little diversity causes chaos within the group. Diversity can help or hinder depending on how much diversity is healthy for everyone. It’s the nature of the beast to want to be with those with similar features, traits and history. When governmental forces make the recognition of one’sContinueContinue reading “Diversity Can Help Or Hinder”

Labels Send Mixed Messages

Labels Send Mixed Messages If it doesn’t matter if you’re Asian, Native American, Black, White, Hispanic etc. then stop asking on every form we fill out to check the box that best describes us. Again, why don’t Asians and Hispanics get a color? That’s COLOR DISCRIMINATION. It’s not your business. I have a name andContinueContinue reading “Labels Send Mixed Messages”