Mobsters and organized criminal syndicates take care of their own, no matter their origin or illegally made, stolen or sold product of the day. They take care of their own people and the towns and cities where they operate. It’s to everybody’s advantage. Would anybody in their right mind want thousands of people who oweContinueContinue reading “WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY (W.H.Y.)”


Are there Black African Jews Living in Palestine/Israel who can claim aboriginal (native) status? What’s A Black Church? The news media called three churches burned to the ground in two weeks black churches. What does that mean? Blacks only? No white people allowed? Black churches are racist. If they weren’t called black churches, then noContinueContinue reading “WHAT’S A BLACK CHURCH?”

The Right To Own Myself And My Work – catching up

I don’t belong to groups, so don’t anyone ever expect me to ‘take one’ for a mythical team or to sacrifice my work for somebody else’s gain, because it’s their turn and I happen to have the words they need to succeed. I’m a territorial daughter of a natural born engineer and a mother whoContinueContinue reading “The Right To Own Myself And My Work – catching up”

CATCHING UP 7-10-2018

> Alcohol and drug addicts are becoming a menace to society. There is a cure. The alcohol and drug industries are blocking it. Profits are too high across the board. The high cost of liquor and drugs isn’t a deterrent to those who use; it’s a liability. People are vomiting in bars all over Cleveland.ContinueContinue reading “CATCHING UP 7-10-2018”