My Preach – if you can call it that

What other people do really isn’t my focus. It’s what I do that counts to me. I can’t control anybody but myself. That’s the degree of my preach. I can talk or write all day and night and it means nothing, since the government controls all movement of my words. Total control over my intellectualContinueContinue reading “My Preach – if you can call it that”


It’s hard to believe or understand that there can be twins born a year apart via different eggs and different sperms from the same mother and father. That’s me and my brother Jim. It’s possible though not probable scientists will say. I deal in the possible. That’s my world. Looking for probable is the easyContinueContinue reading “Twins”

The Pfizer Sores Came Back one year almost to the day


Beetology – the one sentence story

BEETOLOGY  A ONE SENTENCE STORY  aka The Comma Story  aka The Beet Story  aka The House Story [Once upon a time, in a seven tiny room two story with two attics and a hatchway cellar house with maroon and red asphalt brick siding lived the Davies family. I didn’t like beets. I didn’t like theContinueContinue reading “Beetology – the one sentence story”

Hide And Seek?

FAMILIES. FRIENDS. FOES. I accept you the way you present yourself to me. I’ve done that my whole life and I’m not changing to engage in the hide and seek of your real self games you play.  Don’t call me naive when you intentionally withhold your real self from view. I’m not going to tryContinueContinue reading “Hide And Seek?”

Can I Read Minds?

CAN I READ MINDS? I read my own mind – I don’t read anybody else’s. Can I? I don’t know; I never tried. Should I try? No, that would be a violation of their privacy. I can read souls only. That’s my permission granted level. Who grants it? No one. Ask what grants it? WhatContinueContinue reading “Can I Read Minds?”

Happy Valentine’s Day, BABE

He’s still my BABE after 51 years. He’s wearing where we met today – @ The PARROT back in 1970. On the beach. Ft. Lauderdale. Their gimmick? 7 beers for a dollar, all brought out at once on a tray – 7 ouncers. It was the place to be. Steve gave the owner a tipContinueContinue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day, BABE”

Remembering The Good Moments Is Like Being Outside In Nature – do the Twist

First thing every morning when my mother rose she turned on the radio WSPR Springfield, Massachusetts. She was neither a singer nor a dancer, but first thing every morning there was music in the house – her music – from her era – love songs. I asked her once why songs are always about love.ContinueContinue reading “Remembering The Good Moments Is Like Being Outside In Nature – do the Twist”

Changing Marriage To Partnership

Steve and I decided that we’re going to call our over fifty year marriage a partnership instead of a marriage. The words husband and wife carry too much sexist baggage. Hope the gays won’t protest our use of ‘their’ word. I think there’s too much of a religious connotation to the pairing of two people,ContinueContinue reading “Changing Marriage To Partnership”

Sharon’s Brief

I didn’t just pop up out of the blue to make the lives of everybody on the planet miserable by my views on all life and non-life that enter my consciousness. I’m about to be 74 years old in 2023 as I write this brief. Never heard of vegan until the 1990s. So how didContinueContinue reading “Sharon’s Brief”

WW Davies-Tight’s New Year Message

WW Davies-Tight’s New Year Message Let us all behave ourselves in 2023. It starts with me, for me. Lawyer: Does that mean you’ll stop telling people what to do and how to do it? Witness: I write from my personal experience and observation using my entire organism that reaches to every spot in the universe,ContinueContinue reading “WW Davies-Tight’s New Year Message”

COVID Rash Is Not What You Think – updated

COVID RASH IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK I can’t prove what this is now, but I’ve had it for 4 months. The so-called rash has mutated several times within that time frame from circles the size of a pea or the end of a cigarette, to big red blotches, to pin point eruptions with tinyContinueContinue reading “COVID Rash Is Not What You Think – updated”

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A Calling

A CALLING Who calls you? I call myself. How? I separate the universal reality of which I am a part, from my human mind. The human is me; the universe that is in me and breathes me is God. The universe called for my attention. I answered. I called the universe for its attention. TheContinueContinue reading “A Calling”

Preamble Amble Postamble

Originally posted on FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS OF SHARON™ new site:
Preamble Amble Post Amble The Biggest Scam Of All Time The Jews have been saying forever that they don’t care if the whole world doesn’t like them. So why when a non-Jew claims not to like Jews do they get crucified for it and called…

Five Personal Goals

There were five things in my life I wanted to do just about all of my life – as a calling and a purpose. In no particular order: Prove the existence of God. Find the fountain of youth. Have nine kids. Feed the world. Be a philanthropist. Get new posts delivered to your inbox.

Ops There I Go Thinking Again

I think I should be listed as an endangered species and protected under the Endangered Species Act. 28 December 1948 Endangered Species Act 48th Anniversary. Saw it on the calendar. Hey, that’s the year I was conceived. At 7 months in the womb I probably already developed my subconscious, unconscious and conscious thinking apparatus, givenContinueContinue reading “Ops There I Go Thinking Again”

Just Call Me Lucky

In Steve’s Words I don’t know if I ever told you about the time Sharon and I won the Oregon Lottery. A million dollars as I recall. It was (circa) 1986 in Portland. I was working as a Manager at a fast-food seafood restaurant called Skippers (As in Arthur Treacher’s, as in Long John Silver’s).ContinueContinue reading “Just Call Me Lucky”

The Freedom Of A Bicycle

The Freedom Of A Bicycle My mother once said to me, looking back on it all, I guess we were poor. I never felt that way though, she said. I thought then that neither did I. A second hand bike when I was nine years old didn’t mean poor to me. When my father, andContinueContinue reading “The Freedom Of A Bicycle”


WHO AND WHAT I AM I was born who and what I am. It’s easy for me to see everyone as equally worthy. Although I see differences more than similarities, only because they stick out more, the judging part is basically on the big differences not the little quirks that seem to bother most peopleContinueContinue reading “WHO AND WHAT I AM”

I Don’t Hate The Brits

I Don’t Hate Brits Black Lives Terrorists are triggering white people to hurt other white people. And Brits are showing them how to do it. It’s begging to end – let it. Those who started this are the ones to end it. You know who you are. Whoever wants a war will get one muchContinueContinue reading “I Don’t Hate The Brits”

Everyone’s An Addict

Do you know what I learned about addicts over the years? They are immersed in their experiences to the exclusion of everyone else. Everyone else is a prop. Everyone has a wagon in their mind. Addiction is natural animal behavior – repeat repeat repeat. When is religion too much? Ask a factory worker. How manyContinueContinue reading “Everyone’s An Addict”

The Electric Pencil Sharpener Story

I remember sitting at the dining room table me and Dad when I told him about an electric pencil sharpener I bought as I excitedly and in disbelief told him all about how it worked and he said, “Yeah I know…I’ve got one at work”. “You do?” Come to find out they all had them.ContinueContinue reading “The Electric Pencil Sharpener Story”

Alert: Public And Senior Housing COVID-19 Policies

Originally posted on BIRTH OF A SEED™ :
FAMOUS CITYSCAPE Constructed by God 2020 The day before Thanksgiving on 25 November 2020 we we’re scheduled for a yearly inspection. It’s always the day before Thanksgiving. Don’t ask me why, except to disrupt poor people the day before a holiday. Make life miserable for the tenants, so…


Yes, I will kill a blood-sucking bedbug and not bat an eye – if it enters my space for the purpose of disrupting my life and making me and my family suffer. If it’s a fifty pound bedbug I’ll kill it before it gets here without batting an eye. If it’s a hundred pound bedbugContinueContinue reading “TO ETHICAL VEGAN JEWS”


Most people grow up wanting the world to turn their way. I grew up thinking the world already did. I thought everyone was like me. How wrong I was. But what a surprise and relief to know I was already there. I wasn’t born to be where they were. The rest was a cruise. OrContinueContinue reading “SACRED GROUND”

Self Expectations

I expect the same from myself my family my neighbors my associates and my acquaintances and friendships as I do from my President and the politicians who make decisions that affect my life directly or indirectly no matter the state or district they claim to represent. We’re all connected. I expect the same from everyContinueContinue reading “Self Expectations”


A DIFFERENT SLANT A different slant on the news, a different slant on life, a different slant on the world as we once knew it, as we currently know it and as we will come to know it – that’s what Word Warrior Davies-Tight is all about. The slant that everybody overlooked, because they wereContinueContinue reading “A DIFFERENT SLANT”

Sharon In The Raw

Sharon In The Raw I write in individual and sometimes collective universal voices. It’s not a question of whether you agree with Sharon or not.  I write thoughts we all have. Some muse that I have access to what mills around in my subconscious/unconscious mind. In other words the doors were somehow left open betweenContinueContinue reading “Sharon In The Raw”


In 1975 the CIA and probably the military began spying on me after going to the Soviet Union with my husband, a couple of priests and four high school students as a school project. I paid my own way in case anyone inquires – by selling our bedroom set we bought after we were marriedContinueContinue reading “A HISTORY Mine”

A Visit To My Past Through A Film

A Visit To My Past Through A Film INVERNESS, SCOTLAND A city on Scotland’s northeast coast, where the River Ness meets the Moray Firth. It’s the largest city and the cultural capital of the Scottish Highlands. Its Old Town features 19th-century Inverness Cathedral, the mostly 18th-century Old High Church and an indoor Victorian Market sellingContinueContinue reading “A Visit To My Past Through A Film”


I looked in the mirror, and for the first time I saw an old lady be me, and immediately zoomed to the teenager who met me in that mirror – like the teenager I used to be, looking in the mirror now looking at the old woman who is she. We both laughed. Wow. LookContinueContinue reading “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON”

Let ‘er rip…..

I am in the head of all life past, present and future. I share the DNA of plants as well as every animal. I share the quarks, atoms and molecules and everything before, after and in between all that existed, exists and will in the future exist in the universe. That’s how opening oneself toContinueContinue reading “Let ‘er rip…..”

I Am A Spirit Writer

Like me, hate me, be indifferent to me, I don’t care about your view of ME. I share my spirit, not my physical, emotional or intellectual self. That’s what you wanted right? You wanted me to be a faceless person and speak from another dimension on what I see? Then someone steals it and putsContinueContinue reading “I Am A Spirit Writer”


Too bad the American Negro chose and demanded of the world that they be called Black, when their true color is brown. By choosing the black rather than the brown label for themselves they opened the door to competition south of the USA border. That was a huge strategical blunder. What were they thinking, thatContinueContinue reading “MY NEW COLOR CODE”

A Constant Reminder

My age is a constant reminder of my mortality. Old age is like an incurable disease with an expiration date. When we’re young it’s the crossing of the street or getting into a car that could end it all prematurely. It helps to lift the doom knowing the odds that it probably won’t happen andContinueContinue reading “A Constant Reminder”


What? We? Who’s we? Are you one person or a multitude of like-minded people in one person? How would I know how you individually feel and then how a multitude of like-minded people inside of you feel? How would I know that? Did you tell me, specifically, or even generally, how you feel about anything?ContinueContinue reading “NOW DO YOU KNOW HOW WE FEEL?”

Sometimes I Like Humble Pie

Sometimes I get so sick of people’s endless quirks. Then I realize I have a few of my own. Yes, sometimes I like Humble Pie. It’s an acquired taste. Not for everyone. It pairs well with Chateau d’Yquem. ~ Sharon Lee Davies-TightTweet

I Have My Own God. I Neither Need Nor Want Yours

Most people perceive God as someone who can perform humanly impossible feats of power at will or whim or urging, that is communicated with or without a request or a demand from a conglomerate of molecules, atoms and chemical reactions in an organism called a human. That’s not my God.


Grandma and Grandpa long before I was born. James Frederick Davies and Katherine Rose Germonte. Grandpa’s father was born in England and his mother in Ireland. Grandma was born in Lithuania with Russian, Ukrainian and Polish roots. When Dad and Mom bought their old house and Grandma and Grandpa moved to one that was allContinueContinue reading “ARIZONA HIGHWAYS”

Good Luck

I love balance. Not as in good vs evil and settling for somewhere in between. That’s compromise. There are endless shades of good that have no connection to evil that I just happen to like to balance – not as in a juggling act, but as a necessity desired by me to bring out theContinueContinue reading “Good Luck”

A Territorial Daughter

I’m a territorial daughter of a natural born engineer and a mother who possessed exceptional reading, intellectual and organizational talents, both of whom were savy enough to follow their own minds in their own ways. The two left a mark on me that nobody except me can own. Not even them. ~ Sharon Lee Davies-TightContinueContinue reading “A Territorial Daughter”

Sharon’s All Animal

SHARON’S ALL ANIMAL – unpredictable for the sake of her own survival – like all animals. She’s not afraid like we are – of that connection. We fear it. She recognizes it. Embraces it. Accepts that which she cannot change. She is it. She has all the animal moves – the gender moves too. It’sContinueContinue reading “Sharon’s All Animal”