Five principles to a better life. The Jews and Arabs often accuse me of ignoring history, which to me is nothing more than an interpretation of questionable focus on certain events, real or perceived. Why would I need to know the opinions and state of affairs of every detail of the lives of my parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and all of their associates and families, and then all of their ancestors descending from all of the above, 2000 years ago, in order to make decisions on the conduct of my own life, or to form views regarding what I see, feel and otherwise experience in my own environment, in my own world?

Then, why would I need to know all of the above about the Jews and the  Arabs – or any other group of people for that matter? Those who insist on doing what their ancestors did 2000 years ago, or who simply can’t figure out anything on their own, because of the demands placed on them via their religions, which require adherence to the views and actions of their ancestors, are stripped of the joy of discovering one’s own God in one’s own way – in the absence of prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter – which is the purest way to discover any God worth your efforts to emulate.

We are all programmed with these Five Principles before birth. All life and non-life possess them. Whether it becomes expressed is up to the individual and the group at the same time. Therefore, what’s good for the individual is good for the group and vice versa. There’s no democracy implied in this blueprint, since it’s good for everyone. When you use that blue print to separate the wheat from the chaff (the good from the bad), you’ll see with horror the extent to which the world has veered off the path of right and good and gone down the road of wrong and bad. It’s a startling view, but once you’ve seen the view, you can never totally turn away from it. The view changes you forever – for the better – which is both right and good, and at the same time, the beginning of a progressive evolution – the evolution of you, controlled by you, which makes you your own God: oh powerful one!

Five Principle to a Better Life. First we must examine the Five Fatal Flaws: prejudice beyond prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter – one leads to another if left unchecked. Place a ‘no’ in front of each flaw, the easiest word to say in any language, and 5 Fatal Flaws become 5 Principles To A Better Life.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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