Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy

Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy Calm is a mental state, not necessarily a physical state. You can be highly physically active in the day to day and highly energetic and be simultaneously calm-minded. Calm energy is not the same as nervous energy, though each involves the nervous system. Nervous energy is activated by worry. CalmContinueContinue reading “Calm Energy vs Nervous Energy”

It Is Not Forgiveness

It’s called forgiveness in order to fit into a prophecy that Jesus chose to fulfill. Turn the other cheek is something Jews, most Jews in antiquity, could not do. But Jesus wasn’t only a Jew. If they had DNA testing back then, but they didn’t, so the story goes as copied from ear to ear,ContinueContinue reading “It Is Not Forgiveness”

Too Much Discipline?

IT’S YOUR LIFE. YOU’RE THE DRIVER Discipline feels good when you don’t over-discipline yourself. Then it becomes an irritant and you begin resenting it. Start off slow and keep a steady forward moving process until you reach an optimal level and balance with all else in your life. Go easy with it. Allow yourself upsContinueContinue reading “Too Much Discipline?”

I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. Sound familiar?

I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. Sound familiar? Why wait to learn a lesson by making a mistake? Learn it before the mistake to eliminate the suffering mistakes create. Do you like chaos that much? Flirting with fate? Throwing caution to the wind that you know full well is unpredictable? You know that going in.ContinueContinue reading “I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. Sound familiar?”

It Takes Two

The cycle of prejudice moves from one group to another never solving the problem, just moving it. Revenge is what’s on everybody’s mind, not growth and progress. Prejudice doesn’t happen in a vacuum without willing participants at some level of engagement. I’ve seen it happen in affordable housing. Management begins to take liberties for theirContinueContinue reading “It Takes Two”

Be The Example Of Peace, Not The Cause Of Chaos

You don’t have to be a part of anybody else’s solution. Direct your own life in your own way, that raises you up, while respecting the lives, not necessarily the ways, of others. SL

Speaking-Off-The-Cuff And Brainstorming

Most people want a president who speaks off-the-cuff, a brainstorming president, a person who says what’s on their mind, a president who doesn’t hide their personal thoughts by speaking from a script prepared by agents of the government, as did previous presidents in modern history. After all, the ones left in place when the politiciansContinueContinue reading “Speaking-Off-The-Cuff And Brainstorming”


Many of those who demand compassion from others have no compassion toward anyone except their own group or demographic. Selective compassion creates chaos and mistrust. Spread your kindness to all creatures large and small and see the world change for the better.Tweet


Communism is dead – because it worked in theory ONLY, not practice. Large parts of the world practiced it and large parts of the world suffered as a result. Only a tiny elite, ruling minority prospered under their own rule, which in essence made them a dictatorship by committee. If you call yourselves a democracyContinueContinue reading “CHINA DEMOCRACY PLAN”


It’s time to redefine Calm for those who accepted a definition they didn’t understand. Chaos – Calm – Calm – Chaos. The edge of calm. Which edge? This side? Or the other side? The line is thin. Which way do I cross to be on the right side? Without a compass? How will I know? That which repels orContinueContinue reading “THE EDGE OF CALM”

Hedonism – Freedom Or Chaos

Everything in life wasn’t meant to come easy or even naturally. Work, hard work, is an integral part of challenging us to do and be better. Always giving way to what is most comfortable or taking the path of least resistance is seen as hedonistic – selfish. As long as we live among other animals,ContinueContinue reading “Hedonism – Freedom Or Chaos”

No Intermissions

Some people have a need to create chaos. They function at their optimal levels (they think) when in flux. The problem here is that by being in flux all the time, they force others they encounter to experience their dramas with them. It’s like an ongoing play with no intermissions. Steering clear or responding inContinueContinue reading “No Intermissions”