A Story Came Up On Me

Originally posted on FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS OF SHARON™ new site:
I was in it. I was living it. A chef who can’t eat – for vanity sake. What? The greatest chef in the world – ever, hopefully not for – ever – though – the world needs better when it evolves, not worse – and…

Just Call Me Lucky

In Steve’s Words I don’t know if I ever told you about the time Sharon and I won the Oregon Lottery. A million dollars as I recall. It was (circa) 1986 in Portland. I was working as a Manager at a fast-food seafood restaurant called Skippers (As in Arthur Treacher’s, as in Long John Silver’s).ContinueContinue reading “Just Call Me Lucky”


FIVE DAYS IN MARCH DAY 3 Remember the burning of the book that you were so interested in? An Asian woman sitting behind me at a Jewish play said, “She burned the book. We’re not interested in her anymore. We wanted the book.” Out in full view, in the long driveway, sat a fifty-five gallonContinueContinue reading “THE BOOK BURNING – day 3”