How To Decrease Black Arrest Rates

Blacks want more Whites in jail to balance out the numbers via ratios that now show black people to be incarcerated more often per capita than white people.

Or, Blacks want fewer Blacks incarcerated either by arrest and release programs or by law enforcement ignoring law breakers.

One might think that Blacks would want to decrease their incarceration rates by reducing their own involvement in crime, rather than maintaining their own crime rate, and as long as more Whites were incarcerated to match the population differences they’d be happy.

What Blacks fail to realize is that there are many variables involved in someone getting caught doing something illegal. Most people who commit crimes don’t get caught.

What Blacks should do is examine what Whites do to not get caught, then compare the two to discover what they’re doing wrong.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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