Occupy LAND AND PEOPLE Using Five Fatal Flaws

Why Use The Word Occupy To Mean Slave Ownership?

Just the word occupy. Why use that word? Who picked it? For what reason? People can easily be convinced they’re doing something for somebody’s own good, till they’re placed into that same or similar position and their view changes.

“I’m occupied”, yells me to another who’s interrupting. “Can’t you see I’m occupied”? “I was so pre-occupied with what he said, that I drove five miles past my exit on the highway”.

The word is neutral to me. It doesn’t elicit anything but focusing on something. Who in the world could call something as violent as slavery and stealing property and withholding survival services as an occupation and the people and land it’s done to are called occupied, and the ones inflicting the pain, occupiers? Occupation is a job, an innocuous term. What’s your occupation? dunno, not now.

What does the word mean in everyday language, now that we all know it means stealing people and the property they were born on to survive and thrive. All of a sudden somebody decides they want to civilize the Palestinians on Palestinian land, when they should have been civilizing themselves.

The Brits tried to civilize the world using the Five Fatal Flaws instead of the Five Principles To A Better life. Then they tried to fix it by curing a discrimination with another discrimination to even the score; it’s called revenge and made it worse. 

Prejudice, Discrimination, Enslavement, Torture And Slaughter. One leads to the other if left unchecked. Check your prejudice at the door of discrimination and all life benefits.

Looks like the Jews have been occupying all of Palestine (yes marker Jews in Palestinian town centers used as human shields is an occupation, because it’s forced. Basically a Jew family can stay in those center housing units as long as they keep the majority Palestinian in the West Bank. 

So Netanyahu used that argument with the USA, that Palestinians caused a holocaust against the Jews and bombing GAZA was not a holocaust because the Jews were doing the bombing. Don’t you see, it’s a beautiful plan, wipe out all of Gaza and start over, with no Palestinians. All the good ones left a long time ago. These are desert rats, trouble makers.

An occupation essentially means a majority by numbers or fear of weapons to the Jews. No voting on federal affairs. No military. No air space, okay you’re prisoners. So the USA is occupying Palestine, all of it, and the Jews who live in a place called Israel in Palestine have an artificial majority, human-made majority. Once all of Palestine is owned and operated by Jews, then they still have to be on the look out for incoming with a plan to disrupt – like they did in America a couple years ago.

Those Palestinians living in Gaza are not rats, desert or otherwise. Underground tunnels are proof of Gaza being a prison. Enter and exit underground.

And there is no such thing as one holocaust which the Jews own. If the Jews own it, they were operating under the workership design of a majority in Hitler’s forced labor camps. The Jews don’t mention everybody else who were there, only the Jews.

Ever notice that Jews in Palestine, changed their name to Israel and Israelites, then Israelis? Get it right; the fact that you keep changing your focus on what to call what, means you’re not organized enough to be operating a full-scale war against anybody when the first push is to commit a holocaust against the people by locking them in and killing over ten thousand of them and injuring way more with no medical services. The Jews were the holocaust makers, the proof is Gaza. Ever wonder why they wanted to own the holocaust, not allowing anyone to even study it? Because they filled in the blanks with that which they could exploit.

The Jews are claiming 30-50 thousand Hamas militia for Palestine, recruited from Palestinian populations. That’s how many men, women and children they need to kill to wipe them all out. Benjamin Netanyahu said it would take a long time, meaning lifetimes of children growing and being monitored for any violent tendencies. The Jews are building a race and Gaza is the cornerstone. I thought West Bank was the cornerstone for Palestine and Gaza also Palestine, so what’s with the cornerstone for Jews mean? They gave up on GAZA, now they want it back as a cornerstone for their people, Jews, not Palestinians?

The Jews keep denying their borders yet somehow managed to get a nation status from the United Nations, even though to this day they won’t state their national property lines. The world needs to start wondering why the UN allows it and who is paying whom for what? They wouldn’t state their borders. A suicide belt did the trick for the Jews getting their nation state. Egypt fell back when the Jews blew up a hotel in Egypt.

So where did all these violent Jews come from? Gaza? No, they don’t make that claim; they want Palestinians to be the terrorists and the Jews the rightful owners. So where do the Palestinians come from? Germany; they call them Nazis. See this is the problem with no study. The Jews themselves don’t know, only the activists trying to get more power over more land, just like the power they have over gold and jewels and currency, they want it all, those in power always make the same mistake, they go too far too long, then they become like a cancer, eating people up, taking their goods, houses, lives, because some insane person in Britain liked to watch humans getting eaten alive and let’s just stick them in Palestine, nothing going on there that they can’t handle. I’d say those Palestinians minding their own business gave quite the show of strength fighting off the Jews who had the full power of the USA military behind the eradication of an indigenous people, because Jews coveted the land and the USA coveted the strategic advantage of a nuclear weapons placement in the Middle East, so they holocausted already ten thousand Palestinians, who only wanted their fair share, not to be determined by their enemy, the Jews. There does not appear to be an impartial party or entity that can mediate for the holocausted vs the holocausters.

‘All the while the Jewish anti-Defamation league is defaming non-Jews all over the planet, accusing them of bombing Palestine. They’re screaming and screaming, no, no the holocaust is ours, not yours, Netanyahu is you, not us, can’t you see, he’s bombing Jews in Palestine; they’re running like crazy to escape, but you all locked the doors, that’s us. Lest we never forget, they’re bombing the Jews, not the Palestinians’. 

Ariel Sharon followed by his protege Benjamin Netanyahu are holocaust makers, they claim they own the design, while their leader BB or BiBi they call him stands far from the screams and rubble safe in his long distance voting machine giving Jews a better life using the Five Fatal Flaws to achieve it. They even set up Hitleresque factories on disputed territories where Palestinians slave-work for Jews in American bought and paid for factories. 

Five Fatal Flaws: prejudice beyond prejudice, discrimination, enslavement, torture and slaughter. Seems they forgot the word no, the easiest word to say in any language. They took the killer route to a better life. All they need do is kill anybody who stands in their way or even questions their motives and actions. That’s the FATAL PLAN. Put a no in front of any flaw, easy as a mother’s scolding. No guns or bombs required.

Why don’t the Black Africans be asking why so few Jews in jail? They’re white, unless they cross breed, which the non-orthodox Jews do. 

Yeah, Blacks don’t apply that same ratio of incarceration to Jews, just all white people, which is discrimination any time it includes all or we or none. It’s called generalizing behavior of one to all, everyone does it, except when activists want to make a stronger point of difference in accommodation or services they create a lie so big nobody can deny it, since it takes too long to study something with a network that complicated.

Anti-defamation League meant to do what? Keep non-Jews out of the media, except for obvious Asian and black faces. Force all Hollywood players on knees to get and keep jobs well done.

Make anybody’s life a living hell if they call a Jew a Jew or not let a Jew take your land and throw away the people on it, so it’s brand new. Beautifully written, thought and spoken, no order here, because it’s out of order.

The anti-defamation League discriminates against anybody not Jew. They threw a few Blacks into the mix so it wouldn’t be so obvious. You don’t like our ways, we’ll burn you to the ground and take your land and keep it forever. They even showed them how to make a slavery museum act like a trigger for emotion like they do with the holocaust museum, unsettle your mind and make you pity them for making a career out of disrespecting their neighbors, by stealing their homes and giving them to people who think and act like they do. All the same. All Jew. Orthodox Jew is who is reigning now. The Jews hey forgot all the other people who died during the war, and they inflated their own figures that no one has the interest in debating, since it would take another century and everybody would be wrong.

Artificially creating a majority is corruption, election-fixing, criminal. 

I think Jews were bred to be fighters; they saw the result of inbreeding, but they kept doing it anyway, so as not to dirty their DNA with anybody else’s. What do you call a non-Jew? There isn’t even an acceptable name, as if we don’t exist. 

I think Jews were bred to be fighters. They’re like pit bulls, bred to overpower other breeds. Well, let me tell you something. Other breeds don’t like to be over-powered. So sit and stay while the Palestinians once again clean up the mess you made of their existence, because you refused to get along with your neighbors unless they gave you their land. 

So this perceived existential threat is not against Jews, it’s against everybody not Jew. There are Jews and then there are not Jews. If nobody gives us a name, then we don’t exist, like the Jews are doing to the Palestinians, by taking away their classification and turning them into Arabs. The world doesn’t need another Arab country many have mused, so the Palestinians are caput, because the Jews determined who the Palestinians were, are and are going to be. 

Look, it’s one thing to manufacture your own history to fit your own agenda, but manufacturing the history of others to fit into your model for yourself, is not acceptable behavior for any country – wiping out another group’s identity to make a bigger way for yourselves is sheer insanity. You committed the worst kind of discrimination, to wipe out another group while you scream holocaust, when you’re the one committing the holocaust? That’s messed up.

You lost credibility, when you put a religious zealot in charge of nuclear weapons in the now nuclear Middle East. Iran has more discipline than do the Jews who love to hate them. They won’t use it. They have manners. Are they inbreeders too? It’s the inbreeders of every group who are the most violent and follow well only simple instructions.

The British enjoy watching people tear each other apart; they love the blood-curdling screams of those choking on their neighbor’s blood. When the Brits drink enough, they’ll decide and when they do, it’ll be a surgical strike. Or if the USA wants dominance this is a way to get it. The problem there is the USA is dominated by Jews. 

It’s strange how Netanyahu keeps giving safe passage to American politicians and officials like nothing is happening over there. Did Antony Blinken, USA Secretary of State go to Tel-Aviv or someplace else out of the region to meet with Netanyahu?

Bottom line: Jews are reducing the number of Palestinians on the Land of Palestine to increase their ratio numbers (per capita) when negotiating for boundaries that are not permanent, but that reflect the natural population growth numbers. They’ll insert that inbreeding isn’t producing the numbers they wanted, so must go elsewhere for purer samples. Big human egg-selling market needed to manufacture babies for placement in the two colonies under One Palestine. Baby machines though, host mothers in great demand in Palestine, all over.

So what does the Anti-Defamation League do, besides sponsor holocausting, occupation, occupiers, slavery, torture and eventual slaughter? 

They hunt down conscientious objectors and kill that thought or any thought that questions or criticizes Jews. Why do Jews think they can displace all the Palestinians, but a few for how it looks one sided, and not be called slave-traders? 

That’s what Britain did, fed the Palestinians to inbreeding Jews, mainly from Russia where Jews ran the concentration camps during world wars. They leave that out, ‘because it might sway the non-Jews to anger us further’.

I’m just sayin’ how they think generally in unison, so much bickering all the time. It’s not fun being a Jew where you’re forced to wear it for the others. What others? They’re leaving in droves, because of all this holocaust material we keep shoving down their throats, till they become embarrassed, just like us for letting someone force you to eat their dung. The key word is force here, not willingly.

Justifies the holocaust of non-Jews locked in Gaza, and bombed from the air, ground and sea. That’s anti-defamation personified. Make them eat our dung, and video-tape it. Or better yet, send them a ‘shut their mouths forever’ message. Little flyers floating over their heads. By the time you read this you’ll be bombed. Bomb the dung out of them.

This is just getting interesting, say the Brits.

I never wanted to be a child. I think I was born adult. When I see adults pretending to be children it repulses me. I see a lot of child-like adult Jews in or around public housing. When Jews pop they go for the weak. It’s usually them looking for trouble that’s the trouble.

Benjamin Netanyahu is doing all within his power to keep the Palestinians popping to justify the degree of damage to life and non-life. Don’t think for one minute that Netanyahu isn’t fully aware of the expectations ‘regarding in some instances’… the minute you hear that type of language, they’ve done something horrible or they’re about to lose it mentally and go totally berserk.

If freeing the Palestinians means they have to adhere to a book of laws written by Jews (their occupiers, their masters), stay away, don’t even look at it.  They don’t give you much warning.


lost in paraguay – is that the name of a movie or a mouse or a bird?

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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