Time To Turn The clocks

The world sets your time clock for you – not you. People wanting to make profits off of the sweat of your brow, breaking your backs and joints, while paying you below subsistence level wages is your clock, ticking your life away for you, firing you if you show up for their work too manyContinueContinue reading “Time To Turn The clocks”

Wake Up The Planet Ep. 10

There are no mysteries in the universe, only things we haven’t figured out yet. God says many hesitate to quit smoking, because they’ll gain weight, when in reality there are a lot of overweight smokers in the world. God says no to self-enslavement. God says no to fraud. God says no to tough love; it’sContinueContinue reading “Wake Up The Planet Ep. 10”

Socialism In America – what will it look like?

IF YOU WANT TO KNOW OR SEE in advance what a system of socialism will look like in America, then walk into any prison. Everybody has the same clothes, gets the same food, the same pay no matter the job, the same healthcare, education, housing. The main goal of it’s citizens (privately and publicly) isContinueContinue reading “Socialism In America – what will it look like?”

Culture Clashing

The world needs laws that are enforced. Simply having a law does not guarantee compliance. It should, if we all had integrity, but it doesn’t and we don’t. Some people will skirt the law looking for loopholes, others will outright defy it, if they can get away with it. When enforcement of laws is downContinueContinue reading “Culture Clashing”

Why Fool With The Perfect Foods?

A plant is a plant and an animal is an animal. Right now, meat can mean either animal or plant. Eventually, and that day will come, animals will no longer be considered food on this planet, so the term meat will refer to the main part and/or texture of whatever plant is under discussion. EverContinueContinue reading “Why Fool With The Perfect Foods?”