Joseph Biden Finances Holocaust Against Indigenous People – Palestinians

The whole world should know that if Israeli settlers come into your town and steal your property and take control of your family and neighbors, services, and food supply with bombs, that when you fight back for your property and liberty, the USA will call you terrorists.

How could you not figure out that Israel would need GAZA seacoast to be able to operate their military and commerce ships without Gazan interference as the enemy they intentionally made of them – so they’d just leave? 

Well they didn’t leave, neither should they leave. 

Why do you keep taking the Russian-Jewish settlers word for everything that happens in Palestine? These are theives, big time thieves. You all need to stop drinking so much; it’s clouding your judgment and aspirations. You cannot rule the world. The world won’t let you.

Making the whole world democratic will mean the whole world is like you, which means corrupt. The majority ruling leaves 49 percent always unhappy. Find a better system, and then implement it. And no, a dictator democracy like the USA is not the fair-to-everyone answer. Neither is socialism which is the same as a dictatorship – everyone gets a lot less forever, with no hope for better, while a few get all the riches. Dump it.

The USA can at any juncture tell Jews occupying Palestine to stop, but they won’t. They could tell Netanyahu to stop corralling Palestinians to bomb them, but they won’t. Those are acts of terrorism originating with those particular Jews and supported by Jews worldwide plus supported by the USA and Britain.

America will get attacked again, and they’ll claim it was the work of terrorists, in other words people from lands we covet and want to control or have the Russian Hasidic Jews control in our name.

No thank you. Don’t ever commit a Holocaust in our name. Let Palestine be Palestine and tell those settler Jews that settling on other people’s property is not legal. Buy your own. Netanyahu complained that the Palestinians weren’t paying rent. To whom? The Jews wanting to occupy them? So the Jews gave the land to Russians who are now occupying within the occupied Palestine. They were invited by the Jews to come to Palestine for free land. Who did they pay for that land, the Jews or the Palestinians from whom they stole it?

I’m pretty sure you can’t support an occupation within an occupation. If an occupation within an occupation is legal, then it shouldn’t be. When was the law passed that supported an occupation within an occupation? Do they pay rent? To whom? Occupiers within the occupied Palestine? Is that legal in your made-by-Israel law books regarding occupation? Is that a United Nations sanctioned occupation, that you can keep up the occupation generation after generation of newcomers to the occupied region? Even sending out invitations?

Joseph Biden is a traitor to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He doesn’t even know what American values are. He was going behind the backs of Palestinians and bartering with Saudi Arabia to withdraw support for Palestinian statehood. For money and nuclear power, which they themselves have habitually claimed that nuclear weapons always follow. That’s why the USA won’t let Iran get nuclear power, because nuclear weapons will follow. But it won’t with Saudi Arabia? So all of a sudden out of the blue, the USA trusts Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons. I can guarantee that deal never would have gone through, once the bid for Palestinian statehood was null and void, which was one of the major conditions. Joseph Biden acted like he planned the entire Holocaust.

Why does or should the USA control who in the world gets access to nuclear power? Because it’s a dictator democracy. They say anybody who flies with them is an equal, but that’s not the reality on the ground. Why does anybody have to ask the USA and Israel first? Why would the USA give nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia, when women don’t have any rights? Maybe they already bartered women’s rights away as part of the package to entice them to drop support for Palestinian statehood. Too many secrets that adversely effect the lives of Americans equals a dictatorship at home and a dictator country abroad.

Outsiders erroneously think that all Americans have a say at the ballot box, when that just isn’t true. We can vote for one party or the other, but both parties are essentially the same. So sure, we can vote, but it’s still a dictatorship. We can’t vote anti-war.

So Joseph Biden claims to be spreading American values across the Middle East by condoning a Holocaust against the Palestinian people whose only dream was to live as Palestinians on their own land. Joseph Biden thought it was his place to let the Jews commit this Holocaust to make them feel better about those forced labor camps in Europe during WWII? Well, that’s something Palestinians had nothing to do with.

Joseph Biden is a disgrace to the human race and to American values. He has no business financing Holocausts against any group of humans, anywhere for any reason. He needs to be impeached as president of the USA, so he doesn’t continue spreading his own hatred of indigenous people by offering money, favors and nuclear power – followed by nuclear weapons – in exchange for supporting said Holocaust against the Palestinians – instituted and executed by his most important ally Benjamin Netanyahu – the world’s most infamous Holocaust maker. He even televises them to scare the entire world into submission to his will. He claims to do it for building contracts; he claims not to care about the people, he just wants the pests out, all of them.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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