There Is A Solution

No one should be surprised that Britain took the side of the occupiers. That’s who they are – in life, in blood, in every cell of their beings they seek to occupy others and all that others possess. Not only their land, their structures, their food, their clothing, their books, their knowledge but every cell of who lives and thrives on the land they seek to control. They get under your skin and in your mind to trick you into thinking and acting as they think and act. So when they finally leave, they haven’t left at all. They’re in you, they’re in your children, in your DNA, like a virus that infiltrates with the purpose of redefining who you are and what you are now allowed or not allowed to express. 

You cannot talk to an Indian from India without seeing the British transformation of how they look, how they speak, everything about them screams British. It’s disturbing to watch. It doesn’t matter that the British finally left India, what mattered to them is India became them; that was their success. 

So when Britain sends ships over to GAZA and they make clear it’s for Jews and not Palestinians, you know where they’re going. A free ride to Britain for anyone who wants it. No Palestinians allowed – only Jews. That’s the British way; it’s always been the British way, and nothing on this earth can change their occupying stripes. They wear them with pride, because in their occupying minds and eyes God is on their side. Their God wants the entire world to be British. Not to share in the wealth as they claim, otherwise the world wouldn’t still be so poor, given that Britian occupied about ninety percent of it, but to arm them with the tools necessary to create their own wealth.

Palestinians occupied by Jews have never been given those tools. Quite the contrary, they were starved of the tools required to make them succeed, so they’d just leave the land behind in search of greener pastures. many did just that, were forced through starvation of services to move out.

Color doesn’t matter to the Brits, gender doesn’t matter, multiple sexual affiliations and preferences are encouraged; it helps them to manipulate with greater ease. Accepting everybody how they are makes them easier to control, to mold them into their own likeness as long as you are loyal to Britain. As long as you know who your master is. They treat everybody like children, because they know that’s what everybody wants, to be coddled. Those who reject their occupying ways are shunned until they accept them. 

No surprises here. The Brits didn’t think 75 years was too long an occupying period by the Jews on Palestinian land. They’ll go another 75 years without blinking an eye. They love fences with seats. They love to watch. What does that tell you about the British? They’ll move in for a front row seat to watch the Jews tear the Palestinians from limb to limb. That’s part of the perversion that both Brits and Jews share. 

The Brits think the Palestinians should have assimilated, like the Brits did when the Nordics, Norwegians or whoever it was who invaded them centuries back. The difference with the Jews was that they didn’t want anybody assimilating into their culture and religion; they wanted all the land for themselves, while keeping only some of the Palestinians as their slaves – to work their factories, like they worked Hitler’s factories (well, other Jews, not these Jews). They wanted the Palestinians out, forever; they had no interest in teaching them their way; they never wanted to make nice. 

So that British plan to wait till assimilation occurs was flawed from the outset and they knew it was flawed, but pursued it anyway to keep the Jews out of Europe post WWII where nothing but bad would have happened to anyone in the path of Jews, just being released from forced labor camps. That’s why they were sent to Palestine where the British essentially transferred their British ‘deed’ to the occupation of Palestine over to the Jews with no input from the Palestinians. That was the plan and the result, even though there was a slight altercation, the plan went ahead. 

This was a different kind of occupation, not one where you go in, occupy and leave. This was a people who had no country who took the land of another to call its own. The occupiers of the past operated from a home base. They didn’t crawl out of the bushes of a lot of different countries to descend on someone else’s land and take it as a swap or a gift for working in forced labor camps during the war. That’s obscene, that the Brits would even think of it, much less carry it out. lt’s like, let’s see where can we put the Jews. Oh I know, let’s feed them the Palestinians, so they don’t eat our children is how it went. You know that saying, “the Jews will eat you alive”? It’s based on real.

The Brits are the people the world goes to for advice on how to manage Palestine and the Palestinians, because they’re occupiers and occupiers stick together, like every other group, job or discipline. The Brits intimately know the Jews, the difference as I said was that there was no assimilation plan with the Jews for the Palestinians. Jews wanted to be separate from the world, just as always, just as it was before any of the wars, before Hitler and his forced labor camps during the war. 

The Jews were and continue to be separatists. They have no interest in making Palestinians into their likeness or to give them the tools to advance their cultures and living conditions. The Palestinians were trapped on their own land without knowledge of or acess to the outside world. They were prisoners.

Jews could never think of Palestinians as equals. They will never do that – for anyone, for any reason. So go ahead, sit back while the Jews let their frenzy loose by eating alive the young of those they occupy and continue to occupy forever, as long as there is one Palestinian standing, Jews will want their blood. Everybody knows it in their gut, except Britain who still thinks that by shunning Palestine and the Palestinians and their makeshift military that they’ll just keep bleeding for Jews until there are no Palestinians left. Jews do not want to assimilate, nor do they want Palestinians to assimilate. Period.

You lost Britain. You suffered a terrible hit, but it was all of your own doing, by wanting to occupy the world in the first place, and then handing over the ones you occupied to another occupier – so they wouldn’t scourge European families, you fed them the Palestinians without a thought. And you kept feeding them Palestinians, for 75 years. Then the occupier went too far by canceling their existence on the planet as if they were never here and this is where we are now. The Palestinian military took matters into their own hands when the world refused repeatedly to bring that monster of an occupier under control.

The world doesn’t have to acknowledge the Palestinians’ right to defend themselves. They live there, you don’t. And the Jews didn’t either. It’s like you’re supporting slavery by selling people or worse giving people away to Jews knowing full well in advance what they’ll do with and to them. You say the Palestinians can’t have a military, because you don’t want them to have a state – only Jews are worthy? Come on, what century are you living in?

The real existential threat was of the Palestinians living on Palestinian land, not the Jews.

I’m not the only one who sees this. I’m just the one with the grit to say and write what’s really happening. You can’t hide from me like you hide from everybody else. I have enough British genes to understand who you are. May your God wake you up to end that occupation once and for all concerned. There can be no long war here.

A long war to the Jews means till every last Palestinian is gone. I know you know that. I know them like I know you. Do you have the courage to act on behalf of those occupied, even though your shunning didn’t work to bring them to their knees?

The Jews wouldn’t let the Palestinians assimilate, that’s all you really need to know. 

Occupiers don’t act like that. They want assimilation. So you don’t have that in common with the Jews. They just want land and more land and more land. They have no plans of leaving, only attaining more. Where would they go? They’ll never be satisfied with what they have, so what do you do? 

There’s only one solution. 

It’s not a true occupation as legally defined. There’s no home base from which they operated. They had no land. Britain had no legal right to end occupation of Palestine, knowing that the Jews would move in to take it. It’s the same as handing it over. It’s the same as selling slaves. Intent matters.

“On August 1, 1834, Britain passed the Slavery Abolition Act, outlawing the owning, buying, and selling of humans as property throughout its colonies around the world.”

Britain essentially sold people, by giving people along with the land, to the Jews who had no land. Rescind it on legal and humanitarian grounds.

That the Egyptians fought the Jews for the same land didn’t make the process any less of a slave and land exchange, in which the slaves, the Palestinians, had no input. Egypt was operating from a home base of Egypt, a country. Jews had no operating base, no nation, no city, no town, they simply were shipped into the region and lived like gypsies. They were the new kid on the block wanting to disrupt the whole of Arabia. They had grand plans; they still do.

In order to occupy a land you need to care for who are on it. The Jews were not able to provide those services. They didn’t want the Palestinians, they just wanted the land. The slaves came with it and since then they’ve been treated like slaves. Working Jewish factories, like the Jews did for Hitler. Come on. Open your eyes.

If they wanted Palestinian land, then they had to fight the Palestinians for it, not the Egyptians. Again, that’s slavery, the same thing, and slavery was abolished in 1834 by Britain. Technically, you were in violation of your own slavery laws prior to ending the occupation in 1948. It’s like two guys fighting in a ring for a slave woman, where she has no say.

Go back and rework the whole thing. You can do it, it’s not that hard. You need the will. It’s only paper work. 

Maybe when all those Jews show up at your back door, you’ll find the will. Better to be prepared in advance; that doesn’t mean prepared for another 75 year round of fence-sitting. Okay?

You can’t give people away. No human or group of humans or nation should have that right. They don’t have that right. The United Nations can’t change that for their benefit. Go back and check the United Nations and make sure they’re not operating slavery rings within their laws. Expose them if they are.

This isn’t difficult. It’s the easy solution. Only paper work.

Put a smile on your face. You know I’m right. Stick with the slavery part. Stay focused on that. THAT is a big deal. Keep those blinders on as others will distract you with a zillion reasons why it won’t or shouldn’t work. Keep your pity in check. No pity. This is business. It’s not a question of who deserves what. It’s about giving people away to occupier oppressors who don’t want them, who only wanted the land. They still don’t want them. They’ll never want them. Ariel Sharon as much as told you that when he proposed a plan to move them all to Siberia. Remember? Though he laughed, he wasn’t kidding.

from Sharon, all the best

Prejudice leads to discrimination leads to enslavement leads to torture leads to slaughter if left unchecked. Check your prejudices at the door of discrimination and all benefit. ~ Five Principles To A Better Life by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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