Borders Immigrants Inbreeding Eradication

Borders And Eradication

The only thing the Jews wanted was the land absent the occupants. The more aggressive Palestinians they corralled into GAZA where the plan was to annihilate them. Seal the borders and kill them all. Then they would have accomplished the beginning, the cornerstone of their Mid-East vision for their interpretation of ISRAEL. Do you recall Israel ever defining/declaring their borders? No, because they didn’t. So how could the United Nations accept a borderless state as legal and binding? They couldn’t. People were paid to shut up. Or not paid, influenced.

Disputed territories they call them, like they were there and walked the lands, yeah right, from Russia I could see Israel. They were in Russia and it’s Russian Jews making the ownership claims in Palestine. Russian Jews weren’t in Palestine till post WWI. Persian Jews are in Palestine originally, probably as outcasts, but given their proclivities for perversity I can see why nobody wants to be around a neighbor who procreates with their daughters to give them a Jewish majority – take one for the team?? NO, YOU’RE BEING EXPOSED. It’s not right or justified. America better wake up and see what they’re supporting over there. Persia should have been consulted on everything Persian, but they’re all in Persia, or are they? Don’t tell us who to hate and vice versa.

Russian Jews did not originate in Palestine. Understand that, okay?? Desert people did not exist first. The most densely populated areas they grew from first, beside bodies of water that would support the organisms that eventually became beings. Desert life was rare.

I’m beginning to think that thing described by the FBI as a biologic, that was shot down from the sky or crashed whatever the FIB du jour and NASA are serving up on any given day was an alien. I wonder if aliens are Jews landing for the first time in the USA, the real Jews, now there’s a movie. It’s already been written. I wonder what the viruses and vaccines contributed?

Who documents everything they do? Wish lists, bucket lists, to-do on specific days of week or month lists, categorizing? Who’s the king and queen of categories? Britain. Who has libraries to the ceilings in their homes?

Stop saying that Palestine represents all Jews from every crack and crevice in the swamp. Palestine was made for Palestinians, not every Jew on the Planet. Do you see how Jews stretch a tiny kernel of truth, that being actually born somewhere on the planet gives you status for whatever it is you’re trying to take that isn’t yours, or maybe they’ll jump on the Aliens making sure they can’t say they were here first before humans or before them. There’s more than one scenario. Hitler wasn’t in the bible, so the Jews followed the wrong person. That’s on them, not Palestine Proper.

Maybe that Sarah woman to whom 100,000 people were traced to her DNA, isn’t so proud now of what her family did, except survive separately, so they could stay separate. They’re group oriented but they don’t like other groups, only theirs. They’re just like everybody else. But that’s a lot of inbreeding, incest is what I’m talking about, not breeding among different groups not family. I’m talking about the inbreeding of incest. That means sex between fathers, uncles, grandfathers with daughters, nieces and granddaughters, then throw in brothers and sisters and first cousins, and the Jews call this divine intervention to keep the Jews as Jews. 

They all know the perversity, the shame of the daughters, those babies aren’t really theirs; they belong to the cult. It’s a science, the closer the DNA in families the higher the probability of birth defects. Jewish parents put their religion before their kids, so all this crying over babies was fake?

Hey, you don’t see the Mormons or the Seventh Day Adventists or the Quakers or the Amish moving to secede from the USA to become an independent nation, do you? To become a state for their particular religion worldwide, come to Utah, the nation within the nation, within the nation, within the nation – like all those gifted dolls fitting inside the other, it goes on and on, like a gift box being wrapped in another larger box, again and again, till the gift box is the size of the person, and there’s a tiny bracelet inside that you need to go through six other gift wrapped boxes to obtain. Well…you wouldn’t know in advance what’s in it if you’re the one being given the gift. It’s not something you unwrap before the holiday to take a peek, then rewrap as if it hadn’t been unwrapped, so Mom won’t be able to tell you’ve been rummaging through the gifts. 

That’s Russian. Asian, Eastern European. Baltic. Arab. Arabs are more Russian than Jews so why don’t Jews and Arabs, if they’re twins, look like each other more? Alright the British want some credit here for passing it along. Thank you. 

The longest fence-sitting award goes to none other than the infamous flat-ass fence-sitter, flat to the bone, Mr. Hairy Long-Tall Larry from CBS Europe. OOps, oops, poops, I meant the other gal. See how things get tricky real fast? I do believe this is the beginning of a transitional introduction, a first not planned, so I’m typing quietly slowly since this is new territory, and don’t forget I want the Plain of Sharon. 

That’s mine by decree, nobody else asked for it; I did a few decades ago, when I first discovered the MAP. AND ME IN IT. I knew there had to be a reason. Hey I was named after a street in Winchester Square, Springfield, Massachusetts, predominately African. They didn’t expect a boy, had a girl already. 

Hoping doesn’t change DNA, one needs to actually invade the organism to change it, to alter it. Those incestuous Jews only invaded each other, not outside the tribe or cult. Those procreation relations outside the family are the modern day Jews, who at some point didn’t want to be part of incestuous living arrangements required of cult members, wanting to be more accepting of others, rather than setting up all strangers or those who don’t participate as forever enemies – you’ll never understand us and why we must do this. Then it must be a mental illness, if it’s not a physical illness, one that hurts daughters. You put your daughters first. Did you hear that?


Who would want her after having sex with her father as a normal thing to do to increase population numbers? Talk about redistricting from home. Well she’d never leave home, so she’ll never know. Nations artificially-populated based on discrimination cannot be allowed to function as countries or nations, not even states, maybe rehab centers for inbreeders. Yes, finally someone sees the elephant in the room.

There are a lot of Mountain Goats who inbreed too, in every ethnicity; it’s usually a function of poverty and staying separate. You mate with your own. It’s still frowned upon, but for a religious sect to come forward and claim another’s land as their own based on DNA of inbreeders, with nuclear weapons mind you, the world has gone totally in the pocket of the sex offenders. So whatever claim Britain puts forth that doesn’t revoke the handing over of property and people to the Jews, the world wants to see the deed and a paper stating ownership and consequences if people try to escape that agreement, since they didn’t sign off on it. 

a lot of powerful christians are mountain breeders.

do you hear me?

If those papers are older than fifty years without updates to the occupation on a regular basis, they’re null and void.

Remember the artificially created occupation meant to repurpose the property without the original land dwellers. I’ll tell you one thing that doesn’t need debate. The Jewish settlers who came post WW I and WW II were not the original Palestinians, otherwise they’d call themselves Palestinians.

These bunch of perverse heads of states need to keep DNA out of dividing land among the people who live there who weren’t flown in from Russia or other foreign countries to take land from the Palestinians and give it to the immigrants. The whole situation of angering people intentionally, so they’ll commit a violation, because they’re human after all and all humans can be popped; ask any torturer. 

This is 2023. Can you imagine in the USA, people breaching the southern border, expecting the USA government to give them some activist’s house who lost control while imprisoned, did something that the United Nations says it’s okay to do, raze somebody’s house if they’re family members of an attacker. There was no supply shortage, since the degree of sustained torturous, humiliating existence affords lots of opportunities to pop people and the poppers know all the weak spots. 

To pop someone to the degree they were popped took something beyond the normal state of affairs. That was part of the plan. More family homes were needed. They needed Saudi Arabia to drop support of Palestinian statehood. They get these guys so worked up, the Jews do… that these young kids put on suicide belts to punish the aggressor in the only way that speaks. That’s a big problem.

The situation in Palestine in no way looks like a traditional occupation. They’ve broken so many rules that if it were anybody but the Jews, it would be null and void from the first time Britain decided to dock and stay and call it Palestine.

It seems like the Jews who infiltrated Palestine, the ones from Russia and surrounding communities, are the ones who already had the plan in place and operative post WWII. They must have had some hope in those labor camps if they were able to design, then execute the plan upon release from said camps. They were physically well-trained. Someone from Britain once said regarding a trait of Russians, “They endure. Their capacity to endure is impressive”. They stand their ground. 

Bet that border invasion wouldn’t work too well in the USA. Just jump the fence and put a dirty rag flag on it and squat till you’re told to leave. In Palestine the Jews must have changed the laws whereby squatting time and settling times are manipulated. The land is free as long as you pay your mortgage for the house. The state of Israel I believe owns all property – like Hawaii, nobody owns land, they rent it. 

You see how that sounds (I can see sound now?), then develops in the brain as a prejudicial, waiting to be exploited state of family affairs gone awry for the sake of purity. Isn’t that what Hitler was seeking? A pure people with no inbreeding traits? There were a lot of them to be sure, but not enough to base a country on birth defects, rather than change your ways. You know it’s wrong.

Be fruitful and multiply doesn’t mean eat a lot of fruit and you’ll have a lot of babies. It also doesn’t mean multiply with your daughters and other immediate family members. What happens when the genuises stop popping out and  birth rates go down and birth defects rise? Where’s your responsibility of intent to do harm by knowingly bringing babies with birth defects into the world, that could have been prevented had you stayed at second cousin, then how about no cousin? Nobody says you have to mate out of your color or ethnicity, that doesn’t cause birth defects, though it could dilute or decrease the probability.

I was a no name till Mom and Dad took their weekly drive in the country, which means out of the city, which means on the way my mother saw a street named Sharon, liked the sound of it and that’s that. She tried to get people to call me Shari Lee, Lee being my middle name, but nobody would have it. It was Sharon and only Sharon. I have two middle names for my baptism, and one for the birth certificate. Lee and Mary. Sometimes family members call me Shar. Steve calls me Lee, now and then.

If Britain named Palestine, Palestine and the people on it, Palestinians, then the Jews on that same land, at that same time would also be called Palestinians. Talk of Israel was in the bible as a collective heart or mind or spirit of a particular cult rising to the level of statehood (that was the Romans not you), sporting all the traits we never thought the world would accept, then did. 

So now there’s no further need for a separate country/state onto ourselves, because nobody wants us, turns out everybody wants you. The world is rooting for the overdog not the underdog. 

Or maybe that figure whatever it may happen to be is inflated, and maybe you need to stop calling yourselves the underdog, when you’re clearly not. We have eyes. And we use them.

Yes, you do, so the easier to trick you with.

Bear with me. A different slant if you will.

That doesn’t sound like you.

I’m in another transition, but I need to take one detour.


Jews ran concentration camps in Russia. These and their children run Israel, Palestine today and turned Gaza into a furnace for disgruntled Palestinians till the last Palestinian is ashed, leaving them a new canvas of only Jews for everybody’s tastes. Or, only Jews, for everybody. Non-Jews visitors – only. Tourism only for round trips and salespeople Kosher. I don’t know, this is too difficult. Just include everybody.

They destroy their camp before they leave.

The newborns need a place to go when of age and we want them close, so you need to make room for population growth. Then calculate the same for all groups. No. Too much time consumed, and unethical laws pursued and used to address all. No before, after, only during, which is now. We’re only dividing land, not people. You can’t go back to property assessment nor consider who owns what building. 

Ariel Sharon agreed verbally in public that they knew they’d have to tear down what they built. “Make painful sacrifices”, and he was scolded a bit by Hillary Clinton, when told that didn’t mean outposts, and he quickly agreed. He tried to smoke and mirror whoever was listening and/or viewing. I still remember it and how casually it was corrected. That connotes that Benjamin Netanyahu may have some Arab blood in his veins. But blood can’t be tested for Arab qualities that are distinct from other groups. The Jews claim they’re both Semites, maybe they’re not. What would a Semite’s blood look like that stood out as significantly different from what or who else? 

25% Jews, 75% Palestinians, 50% from Palestinians – for a jointly run connecting land or water mass.

The Jews were wrong, no matter what Asian and European countries they populated in the past thousands of years, they did not originate before the Arabs. 

The Jews are claiming Palestinians don’t exist separately from Arabs and the Arabs were here before the Jews, the Jews being the result of Arab inbreeding.

Since the world wants to eliminate inbreeding as a tool to increase numbers for political and religious majority status when the USA is pushing democracies worldwide as a reason for their endless and brutal bombing campaigns around the globe, particularly post 9-11 and continuing today in the finance and direction of wars not in their backyard, but yours, wants everyone to bring their big, fancy war weapons to the party, designed to exterminate/eradicate the enemy. If that’s not a holocaustal advertisement for war I don’t know what is. Made for home televised entertainment. Listen to the sounds of a holocaust – for free – from Israel.

Jew, Jews, Jewish is a birth defect, also called a religion and a people caused by inbreeding and found in any population that has been around a long time, which means all of us. 

Some of us however, made the switch as designed by nature to end inbreeding. The Jews are in the middle of their attempt to make the world turn its way, in its favor, rather than living by trial and error and navigating the results. That better way for a better life does not include inbreeding. It’s not up to the inbreeders to keep those genes active. It signals demise to the universe when people hustle to procreate to build a stronger wall of resistance to anything not Jew. 

To correct the mistake, end the practice by banning procreation engineering via incest or donated eggs within the family, forced pregnancies for religious reasons, based on humane, ethical, political, social and individual rights considerations.

Persian Palestinians

The only thing the Jews wanted was the land absent the occupants. The more aggressive Palestinians they corralled into GAZA where the plan was to annihilate them. Seal the borders and kill them all. Then they would have accomplished the beginning, the cornerstone of their Mid-East vision for their interpretation of ISRAEL. Do you recall Israel ever defining/declaring their borders? No, because they didn’t. So how could the United Nations accept a borderless state as legal and binding? They couldn’t. People were paid to shut up. Or not paid. Influenced.

Disputed territories they call them, like they were there and walked the lands, yeah right, from Russia I could see Israel. They were in Russia and it’s Russian Jews making the ownership claims in Palestine. Russian Jews weren’t in Palestine till post WWI. Persian Jews are in Palestine originally, probably as outcasts, but given their proclivities for perversity I can see why nobody wants to be around a neighbor who procreates with their daughters to give them a Jewish majority – take one for the team?? NO, YOU’RE BEING EXPOSED. It’s not right or justified. America better wake up and see what they’re supporting over there. Persia should have been consulted on everything Persian, but they’re all in Persia, or are they? Don’t tell us who to hate and vice versa.

Russian Jews did not originate in Palestine. Understand that, okay?? Desert people did not exist first. The most densely populated areas they grew from first, beside bodies of water that would support the organisms that eventually became beings. Desert life was rare.

I’m beginning to think that the biologic that was shot down from the sky or crashed, whatever FIB du jour and ASAN are serving up on any given day was an alien wanting to populate earth.

Who documents everything they do? Wish lists, bucket lists, to-do on specific days of week or month lists, categorizing? Who’s the king and queen of categories? Britain. Who has libraries to the ceilings in their homes?

Stop saying that Palestine represents all Jews from every crack and crevice in the swamp. Palestine was made for Palestinians, not every Jew on the Planet. Do you see how Jews stretch a tiny kernel of truth, that being actually born somewhere on the planet or maybe they’ll be claiming alien status next? Maybe that Sarah woman who could be traced by The DNA of 100,000 people could be traced to one woman named Sarah; now that’s a lot of inbreeding, incest is what I’m talking about, not breeding among different groups not family.

I’m talking about the inbreeding of incest. That means sex between fathers, uncles, grandfathers with daughters, nieces and granddaughters, then throw in brothers and sisters and first cousins, and the Jews call this divine intervention to keep the Jews as Jews. 

They all know the perversity, the shame of the daughters, those babies aren’t really theirs; they belong to the cult. It’s a science, the closer the DNA in families the higher the probability of birth defects. Jewish parents put their religion before their kids, so all this crying over babies was fake?

Hey, you don’t see the Mormons or the Seventh Day Adventists or the Quakers or the Amish moving to secede from the USA to become an independent nation, do you? To become a state for their particular religion worldwide, come to Utah, the nation within the nation, within the nation, within the nation – like all those gifted dolls fitting inside the other, it goes on and on, like a gift box being wrapped in another larger box, again and again, till the gift box is the size of the person, and there’s a tiny bracelet inside that you need to go through six other gift wrapped boxes to obtain. Well…you wouldn’t know in advance what’s in it if you’re the one being given the gift. It’s not something you unwrap before the holiday to take a peek, then rewrap as if it hadn’t been unwrapped, so Mom won’t be able to tell you’ve been rummaging through the gifts. 

That’s Russian. Asian, Eastern European. Baltic. Arab. Arabs are more Russian than Jews, so why don’t Jews and Arabs, if they’re twins, look like each other more? Alright the British want some credit here for passing it along. Thank you. 

The longest fence-sitting award goes to none other than the infamous flat-ass fence-sitter, flat to the bone, Mr. Hairy Long-Tall Larry from CBS Europe. OOps, oops, poops, I meant the other gal. See how things get tricky real fast? I do believe this is the beginning of a transitional introduction, a first not planned, so I’m typing quietly slowly since this is new territory, and don’t forget I want the Plain of Sharon. 

That’s mine by decree, nobody else asked for it; I did a few decades ago, when I first discovered the MAP. AND ME IN IT. I knew there had to be a reason. Hey I was named after a street in Winchester Square, Springfield, Massachusetts, predominately African. They didn’t expect a boy, had a girl already. 

Hoping doesn’t change DNA, one needs to actually invade the organism to change it, to alter it. Those incestuous Jews only invaded each other, not outside the tribe or cult. Those procreation relations outside the family are the modern day Jews, who at some point didn’t want to be part of incestuous living arrangements required of cult members, wanting to be more accepting of others, rather than setting up all strangers or those who don’t participate as forever enemies – you’ll never understand us and why we must do this. Then it must be a mental illness, if it’s not a physical illness, one that hurts daughters. You put your daughters first. Did you hear that?


Who would want her after having sex with her father as normal to increase population numbers? Nations artificially populated based on discrimination cannot be allowed to function as countries or nations, not even states, maybe rehab centers for inbreeders. 

There are a lot of Mountain Goats who inbreed too, in every ethnicity; it’s usually a function of poverty and staying separate. You mate with your own. It’s still frowned upon, but for a religious sect to come forward and claim another’s land as their own based on DNA of inbreeders with nuclear weapons, mind you, the world has gone totally in the pocket of the sex offenders. So whatever claim Britain puts forth that doesn’t revoke the handing over of property and people to the Jews, the world wants to see the deed and a paper stating ownership and consequences if people try to escape that agreement, since they didn’t sign off on it. 

do you hear me?

If those papers are older than fifty years without updates to the occupation on a regular basis, they’re null and void.

Remember the artificially created occupation meant to repurpose the property without the original land dwellers. I’ll tell you one thing that doesn’t need debate. The Jewish settlers who came post WW I and WW II were not the original Palestinians, otherwise they’d call themselves Palestinians.

These bunch of perverse heads of states need to keep DNA out of dividing land among the people who live there who weren’t flown in from Russia or other foreign countries to take land from the Palestinians and give it to the immigrants. The whole situation of angering people intentionally, so they’ll commit a violation, because they’re human after all and all humans can be popped; ask any torturer. 

This is 2023. Can you imagine in the USA, people breaching the southern border, expecting the USA government to give them some activist’s house who lost control while imprisoned, did something so bad that the United Nations says it’s okay to exact punishment by, razing somebody’s house if their family members of an attacker against a Jew. Different laws for different people. There was no supply shortage, since the degree of sustained torturous, humiliating existence affords lots of opportunities to pop anybody. Frankly, the Russians should be proud of the Palestinians’ trait of enduring.

To pop someone to the degree they were popped took something beyond the normal state of affairs. That was part of the plan. More family homes were needed. They needed Saudi Arabia to drop support of Palestinian statehood. They get these guys so worked up, the Jews do, that these young kids put on suicide belts to punish the aggressor in the only way that speaks. That’s a big problem.

The situation in Palestine in no way looks like a traditional occupation. They’ve broken so many rules that if it were anybody but the Jews, it would be null and void from the first time Britain decided to dock and stay and call it Palestine.

It seems like the Jews who infiltrated Palestine, the ones from Russia and surrounding communities, are the ones who already had the plan in place and operative post WWII. They must have had some hope in those labor camps if they were able to design, then execute the plan upon release from these concentration camps. They were physically well-trained. Someone from Britain once said regarding a trait of Russians, “They endure. Their capacity to endure is impressive”. They stand their ground. 

Bet that border invasion wouldn’t work too well in the USA. Just jump the fence and put a dirty rag flag on it and squat till you’re told to leave. In Palestine the Jews must have changed the laws whereby squatting time and settling times are manipulated. The land is free as long as you pay your mortgage for the house. The state of Israel I believe owns all property – like Hawaii, nobody owns land, they rent it. 

You see how that sounds (I can see sound now?), then develops in the brain as a prejudicial, waiting to be exploited state of family affairs gone awry for the sake of purity. Isn’t that what Hitler was seeking? A pure people with no inbreeding traits? There were a lot of them to be sure, but not enough to base a country on birth defects, rather than change your ways. You know it’s wrong. Be fruitful and multiply doesn’t mean eat a lot of fruit and you’ll have a lot of babies. It also doesn’t mean multiply with your daughters and other immediate family members. What happens when the genuises stop popping out and  birth rates go down and birth defects rise? Where’s your responsibility of intent to do harm by knowingly bringing babies with birth defects into the world, that could have been prevented had you stayed at second cousin, then how about no cousin? Nobody says you have to mate out of your color or ethnicity, that doesn’t cause birth defect

I was a no name till Mom and Dad took their weekly drive in the country, which means out of the city, which means on the way my mother saw a street named Sharon, liked the sound of it and that’s that. She tried to get people to call me Shari Lee, Lee being my middle name, but nobody would have it. It was Sharon and only Sharon. I have two middle names for my baptism, and one for the birth certificate. Lee and Mary. Sometimes family members call me Shar. Steve calls me Lee, now and then. The Spanish or Puerto Rican, not sure which, call me, “my love”, or “do you speak Spanish?”

If Britain named Palestine, Palestine and the people on it, Palestinians, then the Jews on that same land, at that same time would also be called Palestinians. Talk of Israel was in the bible as a collective heart or mind or spirit of a particular cult rising to the level of statehood (that was the Romans not you), sporting all the traits we never thought the world would accept, then did. 

So now there’s no further need for a separate country/state onto ourselves, because nobody wants us, turns out everybody wants you. The world is rooting for the overdog not the underdog. 

Or maybe that figure whatever it may happen to be is inflated, and maybe you need to stop calling yourselves the underdog, when you’re clearly not. We have eyes. And we use them.

Yes, you do, so the easier to trick you with.

Bear with me. A different slant if you will.

That doesn’t sound like you. I’m in another transition, but I need to take one detour.


Jews ran concentration camps in Russia. These and their children run Israel, Palestine today and turned Gaza into a furnace for disgruntled Palestinians till the last Palestinian is ashed, leaving them a new canvas of ugly Jews for everybody’s tastes. Or, only Jews, for everybody. Non-Jews visitors – only. Tourism only for round trips and salespeople Kosher.

They destroy their camp before they leave.

The newborns need a place to go when of age and we want them close, so you need to make room for population growth. Then calculate the same for all groups. No. Too much time consumed, and unethical laws pursued and used to address all. No before, after, only during, which is now. We’re only dividing land, not people. You can’t go back to property assessment nor consider who owns what building. 

Ariel Sharon agreed verbally in public that they knew they’d have to tear down what they built. “Make painful sacrifices”, and he was scolded a bit by Hillary Clinton, when told that didn’t mean outposts, and he quickly agreed. He tried to smoke and mirror whoever was listening and/or viewing. I still remember it and how casually it was corrected. That connotes that Benjamin Netanyahu may have some Arab blood in himself. But blood can’t be tested for Arab qualities that are distinct from other groups. The Jews claim they’re both Semites, maybe they’re not. What would a Semite’s blood look like that stood out as significantly different from what or who else? 

25% Jews, 75% Palestinians, 50% from Palestinians – for a jointly run connecting land or water mass.

The Jews were wrong, no matter what Asian and European countries they populated in the past thousands of years, they did not originate before the Arabs. 

The Jews are claiming Palestinians don’t exist separately from Arabs and the Arabs were here before the Jews, the Jews being the result of Arab inbreeding. Since the world wants to eliminate inbreeding as a tool to increase numbers for political and religious majority status when the USA is pushing democracies worldwide as a reason for their endless and brutal bombing campaigns around the globe, particularly post 9-11 and continuing today in the finance and direction of wars not in their backyard, but yours, wants everyone to bring their big, fancy war weapons to the party, designed to exterminate/eradicate the enemy. 

Jew, Jews, Jewish is a birth defect, also called a religion and a people caused by inbreeding and found in any population that has been around a long time, which means all of us. 

All of us however, didn’t make the switch as designed by nature to end inbreeding. The Jews are in the middle of their attempt to make the world turn its way, in its favor, rather than living by trial and error and navigating the results. That better way for a better life does not include inbreeding. It’s not up to the inbreeders to keep those genes active. It signals demise to the universe when people hustle to procreate to build a stronger wall of resistance to anything not Jew. 

To correct the mistake, end the practice by banning procreation engineering via incest or donated eggs within the family, forced pregnancies for religious reasons, based on humane, ethical, political, social and individual rights considerations.

Persian Palestinians

It’s when the soil is overused that deformed stalks and pods and fruit occur.

Sometimes in abundance. Sometimes an over-abundance. So what, you’re rich. Who cares how you got rich or how anybody gets anything. You saw an opportunity and a door opened to many more doors and now they’re all open. To which shall you go first?

The closest. That’s what opportunity means. Open. Attracted to or repelled by. What you see in your immediate field.

The longer you have to look at something, the greater the probability that what you thought was an opportunity actually wasn’t for you.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

CHEF DAVIES-TIGHT™. AFC Private Reserve™. THE ANIMAL-FREE CHEF™. The Animal-Free Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FREE SOUS-CHEF™. Animal-Free Sous-Chef Prime Content™. ANIMAL-FAT-FREE CHEF™. Fat-Free Chef Prime Content™. AFC GLOBAL PLANTS™. THE TOOTHLESS CHEF™. WORD WARRIOR DAVIES-TIGHT™. Word Warrior Premium Content™. HAPPY WHITE HORSE™. Happy White Horse Premium Content™. SHARON ON THE NEWS™. SHARON'S FAMOUS LITTLE BOOKS™. SHARON'S BOOK OF PROSE™. CHALLENGED BY HANDICAP™. BIRTH OF A SEED™. LOCAL UNION 141™. Till now and forever © Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist. ARCHITECT of 5 PRINCIPLES TO A BETTER LIFE™ & FIVE STAR ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE™.

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