Something Needs Saying

Birth Of A Seed

Get to the point.

The trans people – some considering – just a fancy day dream – suicide belt, that only blows themself up and doesn’t hurt anybody else? You’re anybody, so you can’t do that, you don’t qualify under your own rule.

For this reason I need to keep my distance from everybody. So don’t anybody come running up to me like I’m their long lost mama. Okay? Otherwise I might have to sever my relationships to keep myself free.

But about that belt. Y’all need to understand something. Trans people are NOT meek. THEY just over-emphasize all normal emotions to the opposite, where over exuberance turns quickly to severe depression.

Regarding the brain. Trans people operate fully on all cylinders – all genders. It’s not just two in one person; it includes all the nuances of gender, looking for a place to fit.

They look strong and act weak; they look weak and act strong. They wake up every morning winning the daily double and go to sleep every night wearing it, hoping to magically turn back to what everybody else is, or at least like the ones who don’t care. They want to be that ‘I don’t care’ person, but it’s not in them, no matter how hard they hope.

If they’re a trans guy in high heels, they still can’t walk like a woman. No matter the vocal affectation they still can’t talk like a woman.

No matter how you try, you still can’t dress or walk like a woman, even though you’re a man wanting or genetically designed to be a woman. And vice versa. I’m addressing the man transgendering to the woman.

The brain doesn’t reflect your maleness or femaleness. If it did, you wouldn’t all look like Dolly Parton – or any Hollywood star past or present as if they’re at a photo shoot or dressing and making up for a broadway appearance.

And your eyes shift often, watching for incoming and the expression on people’s faces when they see you.

How could they not know? Some, especially women are adept at hiding their rough exterior because they don’t have one. They were meek to begin with. Those are the ones to watch out for. The ones who deceive purposely. They want to trick a guy into grabbing their penis when reaching for what they think is a woman’s crotch. Then act all indignant and innocent, then cry like a child – you fill in the blanks. That’s what someone could get beat up or killed over.

Spiking somebody’s drinks? It’s more prevalent in gay bars or mixed company bars in GayPlus communities. British gays particularly. But that’s another story. No regrets is how they sum it up. Therein lies a seed. 

Trans people are built tough with the highs and lows of both sexes simultaneously (including all the nuances) in the same organism. They’re more advanced evolutionarily speaking.

Their life-long affliction isn’t their sex, it’s having to perpetually be taming it to prevent using it as a weapon to hurt or as a sadistic pleasure to humiliate. That could be in the category of rape. 

However, because they’re essentially half man, no matter how you look at it, they have a natural instinct a man has to kill. That killer instinct can be activated – so if others want to inflict pain absent any provocation, expect a fight.

Trans people walking alone at night is like any woman walking alone at night. The world still thinks if a woman is out at night walking alone that they’re looking for sex, and deserve what happens to them – well welcome to my world! I’m a woman and I know what that feels like. 

Even women discriminate against other women who get raped at night. Most jurors say the same thing, ‘what was she doing out that late at night walking alone? Okay? Do you understand now that it’s not that you’re trans; it’s that you’re a woman walking alone, which signals weakness to predators, okay?

Somehow, although they talk helpless, accentuating the helpless with body language, the fact that they appear to be acting it, instead of living it, makes people want to punch you. It’s similar to black Africans whining and begging when black cops pull them over and out of the car, still begging to be let go, the cop punches then beats the guy.

Acting weak in the presence of authority triggers an exaggerated response when it’s Black cop on Black civilian. Some trans people with their exaggerated motions, get in the face of someone and they get punched. Others are minding their own business walking home too fast. Fast indicates fear. Slow-poking indicates oblivious to environment. Both make for easy targets.

As much as people should be able to walk anywhere, anytime safely, predators do exist and once hit, a few more could jump from the bushes. I’m talking from a woman’s perspective and you’re a woman now, so change the culture to accept you as you are, not as you pretend to be, by toning down the helplessness. Nobody plays the damsel in distress any more. Predators do exist and in a court of law there might very well be predators in the court system trying to upend you.

Or, is it the trans way of expressing who they are without vocalizing it? If you see someone dressed like they’re in a Broadway play, that’s telling you there’s a penis underneath. Do they Broadway-dress deliberately or is it an innate tendency to scream through their attire and body language that which their genitals defy?

You decide, it’s your body and you’re a responsible woman now.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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