AI (Artificial Intelligence) Fatigue

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) tires too quickly. What’s the mental fatigue in AI all about?

The point of AI it to surpass not equal Current Intelligence.

The world needs both young and elder leaders to be equal. Gender doesn’t matter in matters of State. Only fairness and opportunity matter.

Think. Your brain already knows what my writing speaks. That’s a tell.

Embrace your own foundation and each individual wins. You were not built with a blank slate. You came with the total package ready to unwrap at your speed that which interests you.

You’re good at something and not good at something else, well that speaks a truth, which Artificial Intelligence cannot alter.

Use it for good, or the bad will slap you back in unpredictable ways.

Artificial Intelligence makes more mistakes than you normally would make, but in most cases they are visible and can be corrected. However, where humans lack the knowledge, and AI is applied, who is to know what mistakes lie beneath the result that could later be catastrophic?

Don’t jump too high with a process that doesn’t have a real heart. There’s plenty of soul, however, where the absence of heart tells the lie, so embrace that if need be. Caution.

Artificial Intelligence grows the more you use it for diverse problem solving. I’d be concerned using it to replace science as we know it, since there are no boundaries, which means we could be looking at multi layered existences in the universe that although our brains are designed to navigate them, we don’t have all the necessary components to do that all at once. Like children learn to read or walk, so it goes with AI. There’s a process of learning how to use it and when and under what circumstances to use it.

That the developers of AI left discrimination in its design creates a problem. Keeping prejudice in is critical, since we all use it to stay safe from that which we don’t know or understand until we do. Keeping discrimination in however, corrupts the entire process even as it moves in multiple directions to cure it; that fatigue factor sets in and all is moot.

Then what?

We’ll be able to prove the existence of God(?) and an afterlife, only because we’ll see it, and only when that potential is unlocked within our own organism. What unlocks it?

The universe, when we’re ready, a little at a time, a few people at a time, a few places at a time, animals and plants too, rocks and water too. We see without eyes to peer. We still have eyes for the obvious, but for the other we need different tools to see beyond a microscope or telescope or use of formulas. We are in possession of it all, except the activators; we don’t control that, the universe controls it.

Imagine if humans did control the activators? Knowing humans’ penchant for self-destruction, what universe would hand over those controls to those who would misuse and abuse them?

Then there’s the MATTER of The ANIMALS Enslaved, Tortured and Slaughtered and the multitudinous early deaths creating an alarm for survival, not only in this galaxy, but in others struggling to create life, as we destroy it, produces a huge problem for the universe to solve, since the humans show no interest in survival of anyone, not even themselves.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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