The Science Of God

Everything existing in the universe is science-based – even thoughts, even spirits. If something exists, science played a primary role in its existence. Just because something can’t be measured or proven doesn’t mean it isn’t science-based. __  The Science Of God. Jews chose themselves. God did not choose Jews among all others to write theContinueContinue reading “The Science Of God”

A Mix-Up In The DNA Story

DNA. Cigarette, alcohol, drug DNA. Disease DNA. Killer, thief, liar, cheat DNA. Obesity, skinny, allergy DNA. Honesty, altruism, compassion, courage DNA. Scientists say that your DNA predetermines whether you’ll smoke, drink, drug, contract a disease, become a killer, thief, liar or cheat, become fat, skinny, honest, altruistic, compassionate, courageous – and on from there. IfContinueContinue reading “A Mix-Up In The DNA Story”

Labels Send Mixed Messages

Labels Send Mixed Messages If it doesn’t matter if you’re Asian, Native American, Black, White, Hispanic etc. then stop asking on every form we fill out to check the box that best describes us. Again, why don’t Asians and Hispanics get a color? That’s COLOR DISCRIMINATION. It’s not your business. I have a name andContinueContinue reading “Labels Send Mixed Messages”


If human is a race, as well as a member of the animal kingdom, then other animals are also members of the animal kingdom thus races. If you discriminate, enslave, torture and slaughter another race, then you are a racist. Extrapolating the Five Principles To A Better Life.